Recent content by gaarge

  1. gaarge

    Ventilation and co2

    Thanks filthyfletch, good advice. I've got a pretty big grow op, so the co2 would help.
  2. gaarge

    Ventilation and co2

    Any ideas?
  3. gaarge

    Ventilation and co2

    Hey y'all, I'm just about to install my co2 thingamajig (with a co2 tank and so on) but I'm just not sure about how it will affect my exhaust fan. Now, I know one has to turn off the fan while the co2 is coming into the room, and I know how much co2 I have to put into the room (using the...
  4. gaarge

    ph adjustment, aero and soil

    I bought an extra reservoir, and I've been letting the water sit for a couple of days before adding nutes. This has helped. The pH levels do not fluctuate now. i'm no scientist, but I guess as the chlorine evaporates, the pH rises? I don't know. But I do know, now, that if you let the...
  5. gaarge

    Metal Halide 5,500K Lamp (175Watt)

    For myself, I use MH (metal haylide) for my veg, not my flowering stage. Of course, you can use it for flowering too, but it's not ideal. For the flowering stage you will either want an HPS light (high pressure sodium) or a combination of HPS and MH lamps. The reason you will want different...
  6. gaarge

    ph adjustment, aero and soil

    Hell no, I don't smoke in the room, so God help me; and yes, it's an aquarium pump. I use the General Hydroponics down to lower the pH.
  7. gaarge

    ph adjustment, aero and soil

    hey muchachos, got something I want to put to you. In brief, I have an aero set up for my clones and when the roots come through, I switch to soil. All's going well on that front. 100% success rate. I do have a couple of quandaries though. With the aero set up, it seems I have to...
  8. gaarge

    aero to soil

    I did the transplant four days ago and things are looking good (I did it to twenty plants!!). They are all looking nice and strong, even if they aren't growing so much. I think in about a week I'll move them under the mh lights. I am very excited.
  9. gaarge

    flowering at unwanted standby

    Yeah, my pots do look a little small. I did the harvesting last night, and off seven plants I guess we'll get 100 grams, so it's not too bad. Two of the plants had turned into hermaphrodites too. About that: will they stay hermaphrodite forever? Only, I was thinking of regenerating these...
  10. gaarge

    flowering at unwanted standby

    This morning I noticed my flowering plants were starting to go into veg again. This perplexed me. I checked the timers, just to make sure, and my partner in crime had changed the time to 14/10. Honest to God I could have killed the guy. What the fuck was he thinking? So I think that was...
  11. gaarge

    Free Grow Videos

    best video I have watched for soil grow yet. Not just an explanation, it also teaches you why things are done the way they are. Thank you a hell of a lot, Pliskin095. Far out.
  12. gaarge

    aero to soil

    cool. thank you. what ph would you recommend?
  13. gaarge

    aero to soil

    when moving aero to soil, what kind of lights would you recommend? I've read the info in GrowFAQ, but I'm not sure about lights. I normally use flouro lights for my clones and a 400w metal haylide for my veg. I was thinking of putting the newly transplanted plants about 4 inches away...
  14. gaarge

    Help me with my little ones!

    When you have babies, you need to trim away all yellowing or browning leaves (or just the parts that are brown or yellow). It's a disease that will spread if you don't, to your other plants too. Wash your hands and use a sterile blade. Sterilisation can be achieved using a solution with...
  15. gaarge

    flowering at unwanted standby

    A few weeks ago I kind of fucked up in my flowering room, and when installing a new light I got the times messed up and the new light ran for the 12 hours of what was meant to be bedtime for my girls. Since that time (which would have been 4 weeks into flowering) the bud has all but stopped...