Recent content by freestylin599

  1. F

    favorite show to watch while burning

  2. F

    funny "anti-marijuana ad"

    due that was funny lmao :)
  3. F

    how to grind

    ok so i dont have a grinder and i am in a do i grind the bud with out using my hands
  4. F

    Kinda weird question

    Ok so i have a friend with asthma. I had a weird suggestion and we wanted to know if it was true. Ok so he takes albuterol, i was wondering since albuterol dilates the blood vessels in your lungs does that mean you would get higher if you took some puffs of that then toked. thanks :bigjoint:
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    Growing around...parents!

    tanks guys...i think there should be a sticky on this to either discourage it or just give tips but anyway thanks a lot i am actually gonna start jogging lol
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    Growing around...parents!

    my parents already said if they found me doing any drugs they would cut me off kick me out on the streets
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    Growing around...parents!

    lol no see you have to understand me...i blaze and get b+ grades. My parents dont even know i drink let alone all the cigs and weed i do with my friends so if i tried to move out now that wouldnt go so well. so i think i will just grow outside and if it doesnt bud so well who gives a fuck the...
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    Growing around...parents!

    i am actually still in highs i need to wait one more year
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    Growing around...parents!

    i see what your sayin but what if i grew outside beacuse there is like woods a couple houses down from my house anyway i could grow outside
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    Growing around...parents!

    I just wanteed to know if anybody has had experience with growing around parents and if anybody had any suggestions on how to grow indoors with parents. i Know it seems dumb but my situation parents almost never come into my room, I dont plan on growing enough to sell, just to supply...
  11. F


    hey thanks. yeah i had a question just out of the blue i have one of those fluorescent bulbs that look like soft serve and i was wondering if i had a 40 watt version that would give off 3000 lumens right? and thanks for the medium and nutrient help i am actually going to grow in a closet where i...
  12. F


    so i am here and i am very very new. I just got some seeds of my friends plant and i read about all the normal stuff deep soil..and other stuff but i wanted to know about lighting. I know incandescent is bad but i am not gonna sell just provide for me and my friends sometimes so i was...