Recent content by FauxRoux

  1. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Yet another patriot ready to bring a gun to a drone fight :mrgreen:
  2. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    (drops mic)
  3. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    We are getting closer to a middle ground. So I will say "yes"... And that its not so much I require a central authority as a standard with which people can agree on...its that I prefer a system that can take the nuances of disputes into consideration without resorting to mob justice. I...
  4. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    Are you really posturing online, man?
  5. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    I don't think he was insinuating you couldn't shoot. I believe he was saying he thinks you have probably never seen combat and didn't have the balls to do more then run your mouth online. At least that was my take from what he said.
  6. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    You keep bringing up defensive force being permissible like we don't get it and keep completely ignoring when we point out scams, flim flams or any taking advantage of another through deception ( like is often done to children). These situations often are done with consent ,with the victim not...
  7. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    No offense, but I'm glad you will never have any real authority
  8. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    I would have to take the facts of the individual situation into account first so as not to unintentionally create a worse injustice then the one I'm being asked to address. I appreciate the sentiment, but just because a rule is just, doesn't mean it can't be used for injustice. You show me a...
  9. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    I don't ask why he didn't get professional help, I'm just thankful.
  10. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Hahaha...god this broken record is awful and no more correct then the first time you played it. Its like someone who upon realizing the person they are talking to doesn't speak English, repeats himself... in English...just louder. Also you continuing to tell me I believe "X" simply because I...
  11. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    I figured I would bring us together for something we could all enjoy. Some of us for its intended message. Some of us because the kid is brown and admittedly does kind of look like hes about to blow something up.
  12. FauxRoux

    What are you smoking today?

    Ive been rocking Bhodie's Apollo 11 from F4 seedstock and bred out plenty of F5s for the genetics bank. VERY potent, but productive non-couchlock high. Good pain relief with no paranoia. Good for projects.
  13. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Clearly people can. Since some folks do it all the time. I think what you mean is...ideally, should they be able to? You seem to have a lot of problems discerning reality from ideals as well as ideals in theory vs application. And your doing what pretentious religious nuts do, thinking that...
  14. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    No amount of democracies deficiencies will make your ideal function better. You will not convince anyone objective to trade out 1 dysfunctional system for another. So again. Full circle. YOUR ...IDEAL...DOESNT ...WORK.... And proving democracy to have flaws does not somehow make your ideal...