Recent content by falonvanderwall

  1. F

    question on wiring

    I just realized you said heat bulb, no dont use that, it will create all sorts of heat and humidity
  2. F

    question on wiring

    Im guessing in the states you guys have yellow wires, here its always black, white, and green or bare copper for ground
  3. F

    question on wiring

    A strain cheaper but identical? Hehe
  4. F

    question on wiring

    Yellow wire?
  5. F

    introducing myself

    Its actually nukem, not romulan, i hope it goes well
  6. F

    Shiney side or Dull side

    Id like to show you some pics, once i get them into flower, i just got busted a couple months ago and just setting up again, i have some pics but there pretty lame, id hate for you to get the wrong idea
  7. F

    Shiney side or Dull side

    My first ever grow was barebulb, it went really good actually, those look great for a 400 watt for sure! , i hear what your saying its hard dealing with, well alot of pots, i try to make everything auto so i dont have to do much, and ya, trimming is the worst! I do it all alone and it takes...
  8. F

    Shiney side or Dull side

    I need one! The size of a house
  9. F

    Shiney side or Dull side

    I love it, you cant even see wires coming out of it! Beats the hell out of those flimsy tents they sell, not to mention a tent is pretty heatscore lol im amazed atthe stealtness you have there, did you do okay? And much better after the upgrade?
  10. F

    Shiney side or Dull side

    Whoa! Thats awesome, ive never seen anything like it, it just looks like an old dresser lol thats a really good idea if one needs to be stealth, or lives in the us
  11. F

    Shiney side or Dull side

    I guess i just liked the poly as its easy to replace if things get ungly, but the paint sounds washable and mold resistant so i would rather not hang poly every crop if not needed, i use poly on my tables aswell so it was just easy, however with the paint id save considerably over time as poly...
  12. F

    Shiney side or Dull side

    I will say that i do also at 15 a gallon, im not sure where you live, but if its 15 here il be getting some, i must ask, as one location is a rental, could it pass off as normal paint afterwards? Or will it be noticeable? 15 a gallon is an incredible price, scratch the poly lol
  13. F

    Shiney side or Dull side

    I also now see that that wasnt the op, i just read your post it was great, sorry about that people, i thought the op was calling me a bozo and basically calling me an idiot, i guess i smoked to much, lol anyways....nice to meet you bozo, again i appologize, great post
  14. F

    Shiney side or Dull side

    Ha, you werent throwing names its your name, im sorry, now im embarrassed, but still, use poly, paper is not good and paint is messy
  15. F

    Shiney side or Dull side

    Right, actually i did read it many times, am i missing something? Just because i didnt tell you to use what you wanted to use, i gave you new ideas, better also, maybe you should read my posts and not throw names out there, whatcha think? Since you say your new and this is my career, im guessing...