Recent content by EmperorGonzo

  1. EmperorGonzo

    Xbox 720????

    A real gamer is someone who is dedicated to gaming. You don't have to have every console. Most people cant afford every console. I am a gamer and I ditch the xbox because it really is a pile of shit.
  2. EmperorGonzo

    Xbox 720????

    Only reason its the 720 this time around is because Microsoft's greedy ass is going to charge that for the console.
  3. EmperorGonzo

    Sheen's - Korner - WiNNiNG.!!.

    I don't think this has been posted yet. It's still pretty new.
  4. EmperorGonzo

    Xbox 720????

    I really could care less. I hate the Xbox. The fact is the console is really just a pile of shit thanks to Microsoft. You have to buy a Microsoft hard drive? Come on. Honestly the Sega Dreamcast can still hold down the xbox360. Sony doesn't need to release anything at all. They are way ahead of...
  5. EmperorGonzo

    Fav beer? Cast Your Vote

    Hands down my winner is anything from Flying Dog Brewery. Obviously I love them because of the gonzo inspired art by Ralph Steadman, but they make some great brew.
  6. EmperorGonzo

    New guy, greetings from California

    My name is Chadwick. From the great state of California. I am a tattoo artist. I have been doing this professionally now for 3 years. Been smoking for 9 years. I am a die hard metal head but do dabble in a couple of other generes. I ride motorcycles and drive VW's.
  7. EmperorGonzo

    :Joint: Tokin'

    I really like this community so far. I might have to make a purchase to see more.
  8. EmperorGonzo


    Is Eminem a good rapper? Sure. Is he the best? Not at all.
  9. EmperorGonzo

    Colarado dreams

    True that. I moved here a couple years ago, its not to bad of a town. I have to stay on the west side though or its going to drive me crazy.
  10. EmperorGonzo

    The Metal Thread

    Does anyone listen to some black metal? As in Emperor, Immortal, Bathory, Enslaved, Windir, Satyricon?
  11. EmperorGonzo


    I remember going to see them in the 1990's in Long Beach, California. It was an amazing show.
  12. EmperorGonzo

    Cannabis makes you loose weight?

    A lot of people don't sit around and get high. I enjoy going out to do things. Living near the mountains I dig going up there, smoking and going mountain biking.