Recent content by Dystopia

  1. Dystopia

    Dystopia's PPP 250w VScrOG

    First, I want to make it clear that I took no offense from your post - I welcome any and all comments, so long as they're civil, which your's clearly was. And I could tell you were no newbie, regardless of post count - you did identify a problem with my current setup, which means you understand...
  2. Dystopia

    Sick girl~

    It looks like a nute deficiency to me, possibly phosporous. I'm not an Ebb and Flow expert, so bear that in mind... There are several things that could be causing a nute deficiency. First off, the relatively high run-off pH might be worrisome...a pH above 6.5 can cause a P lockout. So I would...
  3. Dystopia

    Dystopia's PPP 250w VScrOG

    Sorry guys, I had a family emergency and have been out of town for the past week and a half. Everything's cool, but it's turned into a family reunion and I won't be back in town until the weekend. I haven't seen the plants in that time; I've got a friend taking care of them and she's just...
  4. Dystopia

    Dystopia's PPP 250w VScrOG

    Some more pictures; the buds are starting to fill in nicely...
  5. Dystopia

    Dystopia's PPP 250w VScrOG

    Uh, I don't know. I was freaking out because my pH was all over the place, turns out my meter went TU, got another one in the mail. Plants seem to be doing well, got some mag def going on so I added some Cal-Mag. Not necessarily, it's just one of many methods you can use to max out yield. For...
  6. Dystopia

    vertical growing

    Are you trying to grow buds shaped like pancakes? It is you who does not understand the "physics" of the situation. You say there is no third axis, or that it is not important, yet talk about dispersion and how intensity decreases as you get further from the light in the same breath. The rate of...
  7. Dystopia

    humidity problem for a bubblehead

    Yeah, I went and bought a dehumidifier and it generated more heat then it took out water, so I'm not using it anymore. But the rH where I live is low to begin with. So long as you have decent air flow and the plants aren't packed in too tight you should be fine in my opinion. Good luck!
  8. Dystopia

    humidity problem for a bubblehead

    What's the rH of your inlet air (the air in the house). If your inlet air rH is high then nothing short of a dehumidifier will fix that, IMO.
  9. Dystopia

    Dystopia's PPP 250w VScrOG

    I saw the pictures you posted of your X's plants. That wasn't lollipopping, that was stripping the plant of all folliage except the flowers. Of course growth is going to stop if you do that, I would have had a heart attack on the spot if somebody did that to my plants :fire:. Think of it this...
  10. Dystopia

    Dystopia's PPP 250w VScrOG

    Let me talk a little bit more about lollipopping, to ease Roseman’s fears. In my opinion, whether or not – or how much – you should lollipop is dependent on several factors, which include: 1. Lighting: I would not lollipop if I had sufficient side-lighting or penetration. So if you’re growing...
  11. Dystopia

    Dystopia's PPP 250w VScrOG

    Yeah, I agree you should be supplying nitrogen in flowering, for sure. I stay on veg nutes for three weeks after flipping to 12/12; I use the standard 5 ml Grow, 10 ml Micro, 15ml Bloom ratio for my flower nutes, so they should be getting plenty of nitrogen.
  12. Dystopia

    vertical growing

    WTF??? I used your "arbitrary" example and proved you were wrong. You live on some bizarro world where logic, and even evidence, don't apply? I'm out of here...:wall:
  13. Dystopia

    The BubbleHead Gang

    Hey Grownavy, didn't I answer this question way back on page 37? You basically need a 275 cfm fan for that tent, so 440 cfm is more than adequate. But if you're going to use that powerful of a fan you need to make sure...
  14. Dystopia

    vertical growing

    The information you give is true; however, I believe you are misapplying it. Let’s say you are using a 600-watt HPS at 80,000 lumens to light your 4’ x 4’ area. With a horizontally-hung light and a good hood – and let’s even assume there is no light loss in the reflection – your 16 square foot...
  15. Dystopia

    Dystopia's PPP 250w VScrOG

    I'm starting to wish I didn't do that water change; I'm having a hard time getting the pH and ppm's to stabilize. Should have left well-enough alone...:wall: