Recent content by duck996

  1. D

    Mollases Verses Mollases

    At this point they are not going to get bigger, you are using water and molasses for the last week to make a smoother smoke.
  2. D

    I CLONED IN 12/12 look pics....

    Not to rain on your parade but this is done all the time, between 2 weeks and a month. The best time is when it first shows which is around 2 weeks max.
  3. D

    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    I think he is going by theory and hasnt put the theory to pratice yet. So dont expect to see real pics. He could fake them to prove his theory, who knows. My theroy is that pot leaves dont have the DNA to make a whole new plant. Some plants like Jade plants yes. Geicos can grow new tails when...
  4. D

    An Update of My Grow (Males or Females)

    Just as soon as it shows Female, if it is, take clones. No need to turn back to 18/6. Cloneing has been good for me 100% success rate with peat pellets, rooting hormone powder and humidity dome. They usually sprout roots and can go to soil in 5-7days.
  5. D

    What can high heat do?

    Yea, in Costa Rica, Columbia etc day time temps are regulary in the mid 90s especially during their summer months of Nov-March. They grow some good stuff at those temps.:mrgreen: In my closet I do try to keep it below 90 as best I can.
  6. D

    Northernlights at 42 days flower, how much longer?

    anyone else? How do they look?
  7. D

    ? Philips plant&aquarium bulbs

    Thats all I use in my Veg area, they work great. I use 3 4fts for the top and 2 each on the sides with shop light reflectors. My plants are surrounded. When I was buying bulbs i figured I should buy the ones for plants. They are more expensive than reg floresent cool whites
  8. D

    Northernlights at 42 days flower, how much longer?

    Hey guys, this is my first plant going this far. I was told these were NL seeds and from what I have seen and read they appear to be just that. They were vegged for 4 weeks and are now at 42 days flower. The seed banks say 7-9 weeks for this strain but the trichomes are just now starting to turn...
  9. D

    The lights dont like the plant.Haha, (Pics)

    Pics from last reply. BTW you do need more light.
  10. D

    The lights dont like the plant.Haha, (Pics)

    Thats too funny, I thought I was the only one using cat litter buckets. Just make sure to drill holes in the bottom for drainage. This is mine, 7 weeks flower with 400 watt hps, Northernlights:hump:
  11. D

    All my veg probs in 1 thread

    Here is your problems in order. 1-Overwatered, water every 2-3 days, not every 6-8 hours, airate the soil 2-4 in down with a stick or pen, they will perk up in a day or two. 2-containers too small, they will get root bound if they arent allready. 3-too much Nutes, use 15-30-15 maybe once a...
  12. D

    All my veg probs in 1 thread

    This isnt always the case, it depends on how well your soil drains and the size of the containers. My plants start to droop after 3-4 days which is too long to let them go without watering. I water aprox 3 times a week or at the first sign of drooping which has been as soon as 2 days between...
  13. D

    Serious Question Looking For Serious Answers... Help please if you can! Thanks!

    Every one of these questions have been answered on this forum. Just spent some time looking around and try the FAQ. Also it seems to me you are taking this wayyy too serious. Its just a weed man. :roll:
  14. D

    Can you see what sex this is? pics
