Recent content by drsesuj

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    H2O2 - Good or Bad for soil grows?

    Im interested in this as well, cant wait for a reply.
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    DIY dual stage temperature controller under $50

    This is awesome actually I might have to put one of these together.
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    any 1 know why this is
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    struggling with humidity!!

    I came here to say this. Get a 10gallon tote or bucket and just hang(from a nail or something above the container) an old shirt/towel into it and place a fan near by. The moving air will evaporate the water fairly quickly.
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    Airpots Club

    Thanks guy. Yeah at that moment I didnt realize how much work they were going to be. I got some 5gals and the root ball fits perfect into them so this weekend I might try to repot them. I feel hesitant because I really like the airpot but it just might not make much sense for my situation...
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    Airpots Club

    Thanks all for the reply about the size. Ive come upon a new problem though.. I am having to water every other day and its becoming a real chore. Its a 30 minute trip(hour round trip plus watering time) out to where they are and the every other day waterings are putting a stress on my life...
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    Need a little help identifying leaf problems

    Howdy all, Ive got a little problem with my leaves turning yellow and getting some brown spots. They are currently in 2gal airpots with straight FFOF, nothing mixed in. They are under a 600W HPS. Everything has been vegging for a few weeks now. Growth looks nice and strong but I noticed...
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    Airpots Club

    Hey everybody, quick question. I got a pack of 5x2gallon airpots and Im worried they arent going to be big enough for the whole grow. There are going to be 5 plants in a 4x4 x 6' tall room with a 600w hps. Should I pick up some larger pots or will the 2gallon guys be sufficient?