Recent content by Douche Baggins

  1. Douche Baggins

    15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

    greatest sentence ever.
  2. Douche Baggins

    pics finally! help please

    you're burning your babies... i used mg organic and it sucked. now i'm back to ff. i'd repot in new soil if you can and flush the shit out of it to get those nasty chemicals out of its system.
  3. Douche Baggins

    21 days flowering lemon skunk.WTF!!!

    this will bring some criticism, but let them sit in the dark for 24 hours, then go strictly to 12-12. that should do it..
  4. Douche Baggins

    WTF Seed Pods? maybe?

    Your picture isn't 100% clear but those do look like nuts. Could be a hermie.
  5. Douche Baggins

    Best video game strain?

    high times wrote that white berry from paradise seeds is a good choice. anything to kill zombies on left 4 dead i'm happy with.
  6. Douche Baggins

    Best video game strain?

    In your opinions.. what do you think is the best strain to toke up, chill and play video games to. Can't be so strong that you don't know whats going on....
  7. Douche Baggins

    Beirut. Not For Everyone

    sup kids.. if you've never heard zach condon of Beirut, you should check him out. Super bohemian and chill. condon's voice sounds like something from the 40's. anyway, here are two vids, one a music video and another of them playing live while walking down the street. Beirut - Elephant...
  8. Douche Baggins

    thanks for the advice about not overwatering my girls. now if i can get rid of these fucking...

    thanks for the advice about not overwatering my girls. now if i can get rid of these fucking fungus gnats i'll be happy.
  9. Douche Baggins

    Need help with Baby PLANTS!!

    if you're doing this on the cheap (which no offense it seems like you are), get a qtip, floss, and loosely tie your seedlings to the qtip to keep them from falling over. You definitely need some fluoros asap to supplement the little sunlight they are getting. Go get the biggest compact...
  10. Douche Baggins

    Please help... drooping leaves 3rd week veg

    thanks man.. the more i look around, the more i think thats what the problem is. fuck i wish i didn't water them today.
  11. Douche Baggins

    Please help... drooping leaves 3rd week veg

    hey guys, first post here, but i need your help. two of my gals have had droopy leaves lately. i use miracle grow organic potting soil (i know i don't need to hear miracle grow sucks). two days ago i have 1/4 strength ferts to boost them a bit which it seemed they responded alright to. i...