Recent content by doobnVA

  1. doobnVA

    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    THE EARTH HAS NOT BEEN FUCKING COOLING FOR TEN YEARS! Look at the temperature data for fuck's sake! Some of our HOTTEST YEARS ON RECORD occured in the past ten years, you dolt! OMG! How can you even say that? It's a regurgitation of a myth perpetuated by REPUBLICANS and LOBBYISTS out of a...
  2. doobnVA

    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    replacing the US dollar as the international RESERVE CURRENCY, genius, not as OUR currency. Geez louise. :wall:
  3. doobnVA

    Should Obama sign this into Law?

    ONLY six? Are you sure about that? might want to think again, and check some sources this time. on September 29, 2008, 65 House Republicans voted in favor of H.R. 3997, the original House vehicle for the act. After that legislation failed, on October 1, 2008, 34 Senate Republicans voted for...
  4. doobnVA

    now this is health care.

    Wow, FEMA has been building camps since the 1700's? That's incredible! There MUST be some sort of conspiracy at work. And I'm all out of tin foil... SHIT!
  5. doobnVA

    health care bill passes, ...

    Kucinich supports a "socialized" single-payer system. He proposed a single-payer amendment for this bill that was supposed to be voted on by the House, but he got shafted. That's why he didn't vote for it, and why several other progressive democrats didn't vote for it. It wasn't taking a big...
  6. doobnVA

    health care bill passes, ...

    those numbers you quoted (Betsy McCaughey is a liar, by the way) are the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM limits on what people would possibly pay under this legislation. For a family of four who makes $30,000 per year, the premium would cost $1,100 PER YEAR out-of-pocket after subsidies and cost sharing...
  7. doobnVA

    Cloud City is not me

    Thanks. I'd say that it's good to BE back, but I haven't decided if that's true or not yet.
  8. doobnVA

    Cloud City is not me

    Nope, not at all.
  9. doobnVA

    How to Properly Debate on RIU's Politics Forum.

    Possession is rarely a felony in VA, and VA isn't tough on those who indulge, as you seem to think they are. I've been arrested twice for possession and got slaps on the wrist each time. No jail time, just a small fine. Yes, republicans broke from their party because they liked Obama's...
  10. doobnVA

    Cloud City is not me

    Me too. :o
  11. doobnVA

    Cloud City is not me

    If you two mex's aren't the same person, I'll eat my sombrero.
  12. doobnVA

    How to Properly Debate on RIU's Politics Forum.

    People in VA are not jumping the democratic ship, not at all. Sure, we might be about to elect a republican governor, but that doesn't mean everyone who votes for him is republican. Logical, thinking people don't always vote along party lines. All this proves is that people in VA will vote...
  13. doobnVA

    Obama found a family willing to sell their son's honor

    Actually, a majority of doctors favor a single payer system. They have for DECADES, long before this current attempt at reform. The truth of the matter is, when they declined the videotaping, those families of the fallen had NO IDEA that Obama would be there when they caskets were unloaded...
  14. doobnVA

    Are these two political section trolls twins?

    I "revealed my female status" LONG before you posted that cartoon, ObamaSanta. Maybe you should pay closer attention to the people you're stalking. It makes you seem foolish when you don't know these very basic facts about your victims. Also, I'm not a blogger. I don't know where you get the...
  15. doobnVA

    How to Properly Debate on RIU's Politics Forum.

    What you're trying to do is misrepresent what I said. I didn't say any of the things you're asserting that I said. What I said was, you can be "conservative" and still be a DEMOCRAT. all it means is that you are closer to the center than liberals, but still on the left. "Moving to the right"...