Recent content by dingleberryjim

  1. dingleberryjim

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hey bassman! Light getting into the res can do some nasty things :) I highly suggest Reflectix double sided insulation wrap. Its the shizniz man. I have both of my DWC reservoirs wrapped in it, even covering the lid with a sheet. My room temp is 78. My res is 73 with no cooler. Perfect for my...
  2. dingleberryjim

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hey bassman999! Some brews just won't foam after a point, but not to worry. Adding sugar into the tea will just extend your administration date. You don't want excess sugar to be in the reservoir, or you will feed the bad guys as well. The temps dropping to 68 at night are not a bad thing, just...
  3. dingleberryjim

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hey bassman! When you say you have 8 lines, with 3 running, do you have the other 5 outlets plugged off? If I recall correctly, aren't you running ebb n grow? If you can afford it, I would check out Reflectix double sided insulation (its like bubblewrap, but like 96% reflective). I found that my...
  4. dingleberryjim

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hey bassman999! I noticed root growth OVERNIGHT after I applied the tea to my reservoirs through my net pots. I would imagine that if you have a few weeks left in flower, you should see some growth. About your questions on res temps, you don't need a res chiller at all :) Optimal reservoir...
  5. dingleberryjim

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hey bassman999! Kelp4less sounds like it will work. It has 2/3 ingredients, but should work for now. If you can, order some EWC (earthworm castings) and add that to the mix. Ancient Forest Humus is supposed to be the BEST, yet I couldn't find it locally so I purchased Big Worm EWC. If you can...
  6. dingleberryjim

    First timer. (Dwc)(scrog)

    NO NO NO no h2o2 in the res with aquashield! Aquashield is beneficial bacteria, and it needs food and time to breed. The EWC tea recipes that people post are comprised of beneficial bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, and fungus (depending on what you put into it). H2O2 will kill all them good guys...
  7. dingleberryjim

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Right on man! What ingredients are you using for your tea? The ones listed in your previous post? And before you put it in, was the tea brewed for a full 48 hours? A properly brewed tea, in proper temps (70-75) with proper aeration should work wonders in ebb n grow (from what I hear and have...
  8. dingleberryjim

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    From what I gather, Floralicious+ is safe in hydro. I personally use it as a foliar spray (though I am still in veg) with EWC tea, CALiMAGic and Humboldt Sticky. I also use it in my reservoir as it is supposed to help with nutrient uptake and boost growth. I have read that people spray Neem oil...
  9. dingleberryjim

    water temp 71 + dutchmaster zone & white shark?

    Hey man! When I read the title of your thread, it caught my attention as: DM Zone kills EVERYthing in your res (aside from your plant) and keeps it clean. That is the route to go if you want everything sterile. BUT, you cannot use the Great White with the ZONE as the ZONE will kill it! Great...
  10. dingleberryjim

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Man! Sorry to hear that! The temperature makes a big difference. If you can, try my recipe (slightly different than Heisenberg's), put a small airstone in the bottom of pantyhose THEN put the EWC on TOP of it so the air pushes the critters out) and brew in a warmer space, out of direct light...
  11. dingleberryjim

    First timer. (Dwc)(scrog)

    Hey man! Glad you took the leap! EWC Tea for the WIN! I am not so far along as you are, but here is my success story! Also legal! I hope this helps! -dbj
  12. dingleberryjim

    Growin n showin!

    Growin n showin!
  13. dingleberryjim

    Root rot HELP!!!!!

    Hi guys! I was suffering from brown slime algae, and root rot was setting in. I lost my NYC Diesel due to root rot all the way up to the stem of my lil lady. I tried bleach, h2o2, hygrozyme (at the suggestion of the hydroponics store (which made my algae problem exPLOde)), and flushing (such a...
  14. dingleberryjim

    DWC Brown Algae CURED with EWC Tea!

    I know it looks messy, but it is not a problem! It smells like FRESH mushrooms, which is what we are aiming for! For the second brew of the EWC tea, I wanted more bacteria in my brew so I used 1tbsp of maple syrup + .5 tbsp of Black Strap Unsulphured Molasses+1 cup distilled water on the stove...
  15. dingleberryjim

    DWC Brown Algae CURED with EWC Tea!

    In CHRONological order (from first treatment to the second full strength treatment): These next few were after I brewed up another 2 gallons of the EWC tea to replace 1 gallon in each reservoir, then lowered the water level to right below the net pots. Notice that the roots...