Recent content by dingle

  1. D

    Are any of these Magic mushrooms?

    I think the first ones are those mescaline shrooms they sell powderdized on the internet. You need like an ounce of them to trip mescaline though if i remember correctly. Do some quick googling and i'm sure you'll find more.
  2. D

    Most effective method to "halt" a joint?

    Push it lightly into a quarter, or peice of glass. provides a solid tip when your done, and is pretty clean.
  3. D

    Warning about dealings with Alltell....

    I watched a short documentary about a very similar situation a few days ago. What he ended up doing was suing the company in small claims court, which takes like 3 hours of work (Just filling out papers and dropping them off) and a 40 dollar fee. Because it would have cost the company far more...
  4. D

    Best way to smoke

    Smoking a bong is my favorite way. It is pretty much a fact that it is less harmful to your lungs than a bowl is.
  5. D

    Snorting Keif?

    The absolute best way to get baked from keif is to plug it I once plugged a brick of compressed keif and was blazed for over 20 hours (4/5ths of a gram of keif) Shit was intense, but i stopped being blazed like 20 minutes after i took a poop
  6. D

    Can Marijuana Be Pollinated By Any Other Plants?

    Pollen from different plants are actually VERY different from eachother. If you look at pictures of pollen, almost all plants are different from eachother, but distinct to their species. If i remember correctly they're crazy geometric shapes, and the flowers only let the pollen from the plant...
  7. D

    shrooms in md

    i'm in MD and shrooms are EVERYWHERE
  8. D

    water softener bong water

    Water softeners take stuff out of water, not put stuff into it. You will be fine. Infact, hard water leaves more residue than soft water after drying
  9. D


    Why would god give men nipples? I mean... you would think he would only give them to the sex that really needs them Maybe god doesn't exist???? :O :O :O :confused::confused::confused::confused:bongsmilie
  10. D


    DEFINETLY worth an 1/8 It is really a hassle for weighing what he'll be weighing though... maybe a counter offer of 2.7!
  11. D


    Meh.... if he were a fed this would be entrapment pretty much... Not saying what hes doing isn't wrong... just saying i DOUBT hes a fed. He DEFINETLY shouldn't be implying that hes looking for a hookup on the web
  12. D

    Fake ID

    The only problem with them is that they never remember you, so you got to do something extreme to remind them of who you are. HEY!!!! ITS BLACKASS!
  13. D

    Glass on Glass question

    If you don't know how big it is, don't buy an ashcatcher. Either measure it, borrow a friends to compare (if you know the size of his) or bring the downstem to the shop (cleaned well ofc)
  14. D

    Can you get a cat high?

    Trying HotBoxing a closet (or other VERY small place) with the cat by your side.
  15. D

    Question About Buying

    I honestly wouldn't bother. Even if the weight is straight, it will be a terrible smoke. It isn't laced with anything to make it more "potent", but i'm sure its got lots of pesticide residue and whatnot on it. In summation, i wouldn't do it just because its going to be straight mexi brick...