Recent content by Dibdabs90

  1. D

    Practicing some runs

    So even after I let it sit and evap, I should have ran it through my vac chamber? Hmm, thanks for the heads up.
  2. D

    Practicing some runs

    And as I expected... It auto buddered on me.
  3. D

    Practicing some runs

    So I had washed my filters from this run in 190 proof ever clear in the freezer for about a week and a half. Strained out the remainder fats, lipids etc and let air dry for 2 days. Left a beautiful amber color film with a milky pool in the center. So I careful scrapped the bho from around the...
  4. D

    Practicing some runs

    Received my new domeless nail today. Sampled the two yields. Though very potent, i think I'm going to rewash them with ever clear together and re-purge. I understand I'll strip down the flavor even more but both still have a slight harshness, and I feel theirs still too much unwanted waxs...
  5. D

    What to do with excess?

    Bho cupcake lol. Sadly I don't think that's much of dispensary grade. Keep it, sell it, give it away maybe?
  6. D

    Practicing some runs

    Yes, the yield was a bit lower then I had hoped. Honestly not sure where I lost it at, as I've achieved the same yield running half the original product. I do have some everclear/bho mix in the freezer but I know most of that yield will be the waxes I stripped. I do feel I should freeze for...
  7. D

    Practicing some runs

    Hey guys, I've been lurking on this forum for awhile and have been doing runs for a month or so now. I have a degassing chamber and a 3cfm 1stage vacuum pump that I've been working with to vac purge. Still working on my technique vac purging but tried my hand at winterizing with ever clear this...
  8. D

    Lets talk stocks

    Hey guys, new here and just getting into pot stocks myself. I have a friend who's involved with Erbb. They're making moves, anyone have any opinion on them?