Recent content by DetroitCannacook

  1. DetroitCannacook

    The Ultimate Growing Competition

    If I am right on reading the deadline, hopefully I slipped in under the wire with my busted ass cuttings. I believe all I need is a contestant number, and we are off to the races. I would very much like that generously donated shitload of grow gear. Much love, and good luck to everyone. Cook
  2. DetroitCannacook

    The Ultimate Growing Competition

    I would like to declare myself in this contest if it isn't too late. I just took 5 Fat Albert cuts and 4 Lemon Thai cuts. I will put them all in the aerocloner and see how many root as the moms look rough. I hope to run 4 total plants the distance in the contest, selecting hopefully 2 of each...
  3. DetroitCannacook

    The Ultimate Growing Competition

    I I believe the deadline is midnight PST
  4. DetroitCannacook

    DetroitCannacook checking in

    Hey Rollitup! DetroitCannacook here. I am a professional chef in the DC area. I am also in the cannabis industry as an edibles maker. I love to grow many plants, but especially cannabis! I have been around for a minute. I used to be a member at overgrow and icmag I now hang around instagram a...
  5. DetroitCannacook

    Bake at 420 until nicely toasted.

    Bake at 420 until nicely toasted.
  6. DetroitCannacook

    The Ultimate Growing Competition

    Ok, this contest looks fairly kickass! I am going to have to hurry up and get an entry together.