Recent content by cosmofalcon

  1. C

    Harvesting plants in 2 wks, worried about smell.

    Awesome, thanks! You guys all had really great advice.
  2. C

    plants really slow flowering

    I can think of two scenarios.. 1.The strain. A few months ago I grew 1 platinum cheese plant under a 400 watt and let me tell you, it took FOREVER. I think I ended up flowering for something crazy like 2 1/2 months but the quality of the bud was unparalleled to anything ive ever smoked...
  3. C

    Yellow 1st true leaves and brown spots - 3 weeks seedlings

    I see that its starting at the bottom; usually when yellowing starts from bottom to top, its something in your soil. I think that the algae might have gotten into your soil. Algae is a bacteria, so wiping the top layer off wouldn't do much if its already in your soil. I would transplant like you...
  4. C

    Harvesting plants in 2 wks, worried about smell.

    So like a lot of us, I grow out of my garage. I have my carbon filter + ducting going out the cracks of my garage and so far it gives off just a little odor. However; I have 9 plants in flower that need to be cut down in about two weeks and im worried about the smell. Any ideas of what I can do...
  5. C

    Light stress

    soil grow 3 weeks old (veg) 18/6 light cycle Ive been trying to work with my plugs and outlets so that I can make my 1000 watter work but its just too much electricity for my garage. My main problem is that in the midst of all this, the lights turned off 3 times in one day (about 10-15 min...
  6. C

    Ways to even out plant sizes in time for flower?

    1000 watt hps 6x6x6 grow room Soil grow in 5 gallons Fox farm nutes So I have 6 plants, (3 plants = 7 inches, 1 plant = 4 inches, 2 plants = 2 inches) which are all doing pretty good, however; I would like them to all be able to flower at the same time. I'm LST the 2 inchers in hopes that it...
  7. C

    what bug is this?

    This is one of the two species of spider mites; Tetranychus urticae or "red spider mite.." Im sorry to be the one to tell you man.. I would get a pyrethrum fogger if your doing an indoor grow. It wipes out ANY bugs, mites, etc. You can get it off amazon for 20$
  8. C

    Clone dwarfs

    Check your ph. Last year you might have had great results because of a good ph but the ph in outdoor soil can change drastically based on climate changes. Another thing is that different outdoor cannabis plants flower at different times. Some flower in June, some flower in september. This might...
  9. C

    Are these Male Flowers?! HELP QUICKLY SO I CAN CUT DOWN IF I NEED TO!

    what I would do is get a "mold fogger." This is like a bug fogger except it gets rid of mold, bacteria, pollen, dust and dust mites. You should be safe after using this but if your really worried, you can get something called "dutch masters reverse." Essentially what it does is repels only male...
  10. C

    Fan leaf this normal at this stage?

    Ohh okay, this makes more sense. I know the temps are high there but soil can retain alot of water. Try this, dont water them for a day or two and do the "finger trick" i.e. sticking your finger about an inch into the soil to determine how dry is. If it's a little moist an inch down, stop...
  11. C

    droopy plants

    Are you feeding the jedi kush the same ammount of water as the taller ones? If you are then I think your overwatering it. Smaller plants take in less water, so they require less water. Try not watering it until the top half inch layer is completely dry.
  12. C

    Fan leaf this normal at this stage?

    I think your experiencing nute lockout due to salt buildup in your soil. At this stage, your plant should be craving food and water. What's odd is that your getting nute burn from "big bloom." Big bloom is mainly used mainly for the vegetative state, so giving it to your plant at this stage...
  13. C

    Inline fan is making room hotter..

    Nice, I hooked up some extra ducting to the outside of the inline fan and have it blowing out the gap between my garage door. It lowered temps from 81 to 77. Thanks guys!
  14. C

    WTF is this shit?? PLEASE HELP ME (pics inside)

    Rule of thumb is never remove more than 50% of your leaves at any time and dont remove leaves that are less than 50% damaged. Bugs could be possible. I had a plant that had similiar mottling and I eventually found out it was these damn fruit flies that were nibbling on my plant when I wasn't...
  15. C

    Help with New 600w HPS MH??

    I dont think its the actual bulb thats the problem, its the ballast. If the bulb were the problem then your fans shouldn't be effected.. Do you have a power strip that you have your timers, fans, lights, etc on? Some of the newer power strips have safety funtions on them that shut down when the...