Recent content by Coolioshades

  1. C

    Newbie looking for tips

    It's the water soluble stuff. I mix it into one of those fertilizer guns and let it go until it fills each tire.
  2. C

    Newbie looking for tips

    I feed them twice a week with 20-20-20 miracle grow. They are in the ground which is a clay loam (natural soil for area) mixed with seafood compost. I did a soil test two days ago that said all 3 nutrients were very low which tells me im not giving them enough. But I'm anxious about burning them...
  3. C

    Newbie looking for tips

    Hey there I'm relatively new to growing and want some pointers from the professionals and veterans on here. Have a look at my set up and let me know if you notice anything wrong, or that could be improved. I'm currently struggling with nailing down a healthy feed schedule (mainly nervous...