Recent content by combatant

  1. combatant

    My thoughts on the Las Vegas massacre

    I looked through the other thread and responses on here but I wanted this issue separate. I have drawn two conclusions on this. First, when I go to the dispensary I am limited on how much I can purchase but I could go to the gun store and buy all the weapons and ammo I want. Secondly, there is...
  2. combatant

    What will legal marijuana mean for safety sensitive jobs and drug testing?

    One thing I found in my employment tenure is the jobs I was tested for were basically slave labor type jobs. I figure when the employer sees someone who gives up their rights to get the job, then they can treat them however they want. I find it amazing how many people actually believe in drug...
  3. combatant

    The perfect arguement for legalization..... Cannabis prohibition was all based on racism against blacks and Hispanics. Therefore, anyone who supports the prohibition of cannabis is a white...
  4. combatant

    Hemp Car-Jay Leno's Garage

    Jeff Sessions needs to see this.
  5. combatant

    Go Jets!!!

    Amen brother.
  6. combatant

    Go Jets!!!
  7. combatant

    Go Jesse Our government should be shot, then deported.
  8. combatant

    bill to end medical marijuana prohibition

    Schedule II opens up the banking for the MMJ dispensaries and is still better than a Schedule I. Still the wrong direction though as it should be classified with the 2 most dangerous drugs, alcohol and tobacco, which would also take enforcement away from the DEAth Squad. Way too many...
  9. combatant

    Tipping point

    Problem facing Dodge City now is the Pandora's Box that is wide open in many states. The governor of Colorado had to do a 180 in order to try and keep his phony baloney job. I feel in the 2020 elections that candidates had better put relegalization in their platform if they want to get in...
  10. combatant

    Roger Stone to advocate Legalizing marijuana??

    Me. I figure Trump will probably go the same route Nixon did when his advisors said to relegalize cannabis. Wouldn't want to interfere with the big pharma stocks. Kudos to Robert Stone though. However, you have to understand who he was addressing.
  11. combatant

    bill to end medical marijuana prohibition

    Good post. I wonder if the medical device shows the fried egg your brain turns into when you smoke that dangerous marijuana. Rand Paul is a true blessing, like his dad. Ol' Sessions has shown all of us how much of a good person he is.
  12. combatant

    Tipping point

    In the infamous words of Barack Hussein Obama, a Democrat, "Legalizing marijuana will not grow our economy." Maybe Canada should add cannabis to their national medical plan. Funny how tax dollars in both countries continue to fund big pharma but cannot be used for safer alternatives. Our best...
  13. combatant

    100 joints in 3 minutes..... What will they think of next??
  14. combatant

    Tipping point

    The answer to your question is located in the other thread on here about online petitions. Read my responses there. As long as legislators own stock in big pharma, they will continue to buck all trends against relegalization at the fed level. However, I believe they are figuring out that you can...
  15. combatant

    Petition the White House!

    Getting it rescheduled isn't the real issue. Alcohol and tobacco not under FDA regulation, nor the Controlled Substances Act. They are regulated by the BATF, which is where the DEA was formed out of. They need to completely remove cannabis/hemp from the CSA all together and add a letter to the...