Recent content by ClosetVille

  1. ClosetVille

    2nd week into flowering, counting the days :D

    I was high when I read it the first time, but no purple in the stems is good.
  2. ClosetVille

    First grow, 1 Month old plant...10cm tall..too small or not. Any help is coolio :D

    What he meant to say was, were high as fuck, nobody knows what 10cm is, put up a picture dude.
  3. ClosetVille

    My Baby Got Hairs, WTF!!!

    I've seen this before, its a rare genetic in which the leaf midrib grows at a higher rate than the blade of the leaf. It usually outgrows itself, I've never seen one flowering with this.
  4. ClosetVille

    My First Grow!

    Lol, alright, then nice grow bud, I'm looking forward to watching your grow.
  5. ClosetVille

    Is E-bay safe to order from?

    I don't think I've ever really heard of eBay sting operations, but it doesn't mean there aren't any. lol Just a fancy craigslist imo.
  6. ClosetVille

    My First Grow!

    Only part I don't like about this is the plastic bottles. I know they still seem small but you gotta give them roots room to grow, otherwise your looking at root bound.
  7. ClosetVille

    First Grow. Pics & Methods. How am I doing?

    Hey guys, so this is a long time tokers bongsmilie first grow. I've kept it simple, and thus far think I'm not doing half bad; so I'm here for some long time toker/growers thoughts on it are. I'm growing in a closet beneath my basement stairs, so its fairly small. 4x3. I've put up some mylar...
  8. ClosetVille

    2nd week into flowering, counting the days :D

    Good, :P I like to think this plant is doing very good.
  9. ClosetVille

    2nd week into flowering, counting the days :D

    You talking about the purple and green?
  10. ClosetVille

    2nd week into flowering, counting the days :D

    I just did a little trim, took off 4 fan leaves. And here is a pic of the whole plant. After trim :
  11. ClosetVille

    2nd week into flowering, counting the days :D

    This is my update on my first stinky lady, all comments welcome. We just entered into our 2nd week into flowering.
  12. ClosetVille


    Mine did this.
  13. ClosetVille

    What do I do?

    Yeah, within like 24 hours. Then you just take the seed, and put the sprout down. Its seriously the easiest and best method I've used.