Recent content by chongo bongo

  1. chongo bongo

    Earthy planty smell?

    Using 4 48" t5s and 4 48" t8s. T5 almost touching the plants on top and t8 on both sides. Using tiger bloom. In miracle grow. And the seeds are from some bomb bid I got.
  2. chongo bongo

    Earthy planty smell?

    im currently around 10 weeks into flower. about half and half amber/white hairs. seeing some amber trichs. the buds are still airy and you can kinda smell some skunkyness but mainly when you get up close to smell it smells planty. is this normal? or bad genetics? or what. will it get better with...
  3. chongo bongo


    So should you use more than one in flower? I mean, I see these pictures people post of like a million nutrients they're using. But why. If you're getting a certain ratio to produce bigger nicer buds, what's it gonna change if you use like 3 different kinds? Just wonderin if I should go get more.
  4. chongo bongo

    T5 lighting?

    Did you just go buy the shop light fixtures at lowest or Walmart? If so, these won't work for t5's. You need an actual HO t5 fixture.
  5. chongo bongo

    what the hell is goin on?

    So you think I should go straight water and see what happens?
  6. chongo bongo

    what the hell is goin on?

    AAnd I've been feeding it tiger bloom
  7. chongo bongo

    what the hell is goin on?

    And the hairs are actually pink. Not just the lights, I made sure Haha. But it has been in flower for about 5 weeks and this is as far as its progressed.
  8. chongo bongo

    what the hell is goin on?

    Okay this plant kinda started goin south and my other plant was lookin the same and I begged it longer and it pulled out. But this one I didnt veg longer, it started looking like it was gonna come through then I just put it in flower. It took about another week longer than my other plant to show...
  9. chongo bongo

    week 6 of flower.t5,t8

    I'm halfway through week 6 on my first grow. so pumped. It's in a shed out at the back of the property. It's pretty cold here and I walked in tonight and there was a big ass snake curled up at the base of my plant. Kinda startled me a little when I had my face down there checkin out my plants...
  10. chongo bongo

    so i just found scales

    No one even knows about them anymore, they've been collecting dust for years now in a pile of Shit. Of course I'm taking it. I make enough money at this place to buy big scales, but Shit, if there's some laying around that no one even knows exist, you beat your ass I'm taking them.
  11. chongo bongo

    so i just found scales

    I was starting to think about weighing the bud I get off my first grow and how I didn't wanna use my small digi scales cause that would suck. And I just found some monster scales at work that go to 25lbs and down to a tenth of a gram. Can you say jack mode? Ha:lol:
  12. chongo bongo

    What's RIU Listening to?

    Dr dre Pandora station. Hard beats while I'm chillin in my truck is always nice
  13. chongo bongo

    purple stems on saplings

    Yeah I don't think its a biggie. I never could get them to stay away for long and my plants seem fine I think so it shouldn't hurt.
  14. chongo bongo

    purple stems on saplings

    Whats your ph? I had this same problem and it had to do with my ph level
  15. chongo bongo

    dank bagseed grow

    Not very good pictures but you can see :) and on the close up you can see trichs comin in nicely