Recent content by ChicagoBullsLoveIt

  1. C

    Case of the spots and (wrong?) treatment

    @nc208 thanks for the confirmation and follow up advice!
  2. C

    Case of the spots and (wrong?) treatment

    Thanks a lot SheeeshM. Yeah the end result does look very much like that. But is it common for them to begin with the spots only? Or perhaps I had a combination of vermin. So practically it sounds like I should - Cut the affected leaves and continue the treatments ?
  3. C

    Case of the spots and (wrong?) treatment

    Hello all, Long time reader of posts, first time poster. Thanks in advance! Northern Lights Auto, its generally a healthy and happy plant but last week I noticed small white dots appearing on some of the lower leaves (2 original pictures below). Newer growth at that time did have a few minor...