Recent content by chad31687

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    The federales are flying

    I live in a high air traffic area. Once my plants started to get nice and huge a few weeks ago i started to get noided, so i dug my girls up and moved them to another spot, sure as shit about 4 days ago a helicopter flew directly over my house, not more than a few hundred feet in the air, only...
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    Northern oHiGHo Outdoor 2013

    Ive been getting bombarded by slugs, snails, aphids, catterpillars, and god knows what else i havent found hiding around my plants! Been constantly using azamax just to keep under control.
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    Northern oHiGHo Outdoor 2013

    Theres been some bomb ass lemon g goin round lorain for a few years now. Got a few clones last year, but they got ripped... Goin with gdp this year.
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    Outdoor plants flowering already?

    mine have had pre-flowers for 2-3wks now. Still not flowering yet tho just lil pistills poppin out by the stipules.
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    Cali GDP- First Outdoor Grow- questions/comments/suggestions appreciated

    kno this is an old thread but what was your yield from that? I got a few i started in april, 1 over 6ft and bushy!
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    To Much Stress?

    same thing happend to me, i cloned my branch too and the main plant was fine.
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    Update 8 afghani kush now outdoor

    Did you start flowering these indoors or did they start when u put em out? Mine havent shown signs of flowering yet.
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    Northern lights X skunk, outdoor 2013

    Damaging a few roots wont hurt. I usually tear a few when transplanting, the roots grow back thicker and stronger.
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    Something weird happened?

    make sure not to confuse pistills with stipules, they look similar for a bit.
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    Would this work???

    I actually wanted to put a handful of jugs around the area of my grow with funnels on top to collect rainwater, so i dont have to worry so much about setting up near a stream.
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    why isnt she flowering?!

    is the one plant an auto flower? I have 5 outdoor grand daddy purps and wasnt expecting flowering to start till mid august.