Recent content by cannibisox

  1. cannibisox

    The ALL Indoor SUPER Soil Growers Thread

    Not sure if there is a specific thread related to this topic, I couldn't find one, so I would like to be the first to start one! This will be a thread for people that grow INDOORS in SOIL ONLY. Post your pics, post your questions, general advice, trials and errors, and we can all learn and...
  2. cannibisox

    Tall and Lanky seedling?

    So it's been 18 days and here is what the girls are looking like. I filled an inch or more soil in the buckets to sturdy up the little stems, hopefully they will beef up in the weeks to come! I have been watering every other day alternating nutes and just regular distilled water. I got a...
  3. cannibisox

    Tall and Lanky seedling?

    Thanks for the advice everyone! I went ahead and added more soil all the way to the top, they're doing fine and are looking more sturdy! I will post new pics soon!
  4. cannibisox

    Tall and Lanky seedling?

    I have a fan pointing indirectly on them already, I heard covering the stem up with soil would choke it. Is it really ok to cover them say an inch or so? Found this article which says you can bury them up to the first node in each stage of transplanting! Good to know, I will post an update...
  5. cannibisox

    SOG question

    I'd say go with bigger planters! at least 3 to 5 gallons for sure! Bigger the roots, the bigger the buds!
  6. cannibisox

    Tall and Lanky seedling?

    I recently started some Wonder Woman and Eldorado Feminized seeds from Nirvana and they are really tall and lanky from the start! I feel like they're too top heavy and I want to have a successful run with these girls! Any advice on how to thicken the stems up quick? They are only 2 weeks old...
  7. cannibisox

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Looking really nice! Can't wait for some more pics!
  8. cannibisox

    Which 600w HPS Bulb?

    You may want to watch this:
  9. cannibisox

    9 plants / 1000 watt mh/hps / 4x4 flood tray. ( seeking info )

    I would definitely suggest spacing your plants further apart, if not, then less plants and stretch and train them utilizing Topping, LST, Monster Cropping, and definitely a trellis net for support and for the biggest yields! The more condensed the plants are, the less light can really penetrate...
  10. cannibisox

    4 CFL Grow Aurora Indica/Jock Horror

    They were about 23 inches before I went to flowering, they got a little on the big side for how big my flowering room is but still had success! Never measure them after that, just watched the buds grow! They vegged for about 7 weeks
  11. cannibisox

    4 CFL Grow Aurora Indica/Jock Horror

    Has anyone ever grown Jock Horror? Looks like it's gonna be harvesting in week 9 for full potency, just wanted to get some input from any other growers that have grown this strain.
  12. cannibisox

    4 CFL Grow Aurora Indica/Jock Horror

    The Jock is putting on some weight but the Aurora Indica is super dense!!! A little longer to go on the Jock, Monday will be 8 weeks but the pistols are all still white, however the aurora is maturing a lot faster and hopefully I'll be able to harvest within the next week!!!
  13. cannibisox

    4 CFL Grow Aurora Indica/Jock Horror

    Coming up on the 7th week and the ladies are look nice and juicy!!!! I'll post pics of the harvest soon!!
  14. cannibisox

    First Grow. Need Some Advice!

    Maybe you can rig up a big tray and lift your plants off the ground so they run off into the tray that will be tilted slightly at an angle which will run off into your reservoir. then you can either throw away or recycle the nutes for one more watering.
  15. cannibisox

    4 CFL Grow Aurora Indica/Jock Horror

    Just added a pack of Shooting Powder and some MOAB!! Now I have to be patience and watch the buds swell! Any thoughts on how much I may get out of these 4 plants dry?