Recent content by cabinetgrower

  1. C

    First time growing, in a cabinet and man am i excited!

    Whats a good way of regulating humidity? Im yet to put plants in the cab, and i dont have a humidity gauge, but my rooms pretty dry. Will the watered soil just slowly evaporate and keeps things nice and humid? What are some cheap and easy alternatives? A glass of water in there perhaps?
  2. C

    exhaust fan!?

    Yeah man, get that fan right up the top! Even if its at light level theres sure to be hot spots at the furthest distance from your fan where the hot air is rising straight up and forming like a layer at the top of your cab.
  3. C

    Marshall grow stack!

    Hey man. Itd be interesting to see where your plants are at now! Got any recent photos? So the floor space essentially is 26" x 14" yeah? So well call that 2sq foot. If your gonna maximise the space your going to want atleast 50watts per square foot, so id really recommend goin out and getting...
  4. C

    Ballast Temperatures..

    Cool thanks guys, really put my worries to bed. I left the lamps running all night with a smoke detector in the cab just incase and when i checked em this morning the ballasts were no hotter then 12 hours before. So i guess thats just the temp they run at.
  5. C

    First time growing, in a cabinet and man am i excited!

    thanks pwee. Guess ill just have to look harder. Its odd though, i live in a pretty weed loving little community, most people i know smoke, but no-ones growing (or willing to tell me they are) or have seeds.
  6. C

    80 g per month....

    Yeah id say go with cannabineers idea of having a 600 watter. Maybe at first just get going like 8 plants, seperated by 2 weeks each in your room. If your goin hydro and got a wicked strain, plenty of mylar to help light up the sides and bottom 40g a plant is easily do-able!
  7. C

    Mini/micro co2 system

    Yeah man, im interested in getting something like this goin on too. I even thought of whacking some sugar water and yeast under in the corner of my tiny cab, as the fermentation gives off Co2.. then i realised i was totally blitzed..
  8. C

    giant cfl solution

    I take it you got this globe from a grow shop right? You should be able to go back and find a reflector that mounts to the base / ballast of the globe with two looped metal hangers ontop of the reflector. this should hold your globe pretty horizontal, and reflect as much light as possible. Id...
  9. C

    New Room HELP WITH LIGHTING... Possible Heat issue.... Unsure

    First things first i think you should start with getting an Intake vent sorted.. noticed you didnt say anything about having one.. pretty dang important, otherwise wheres all that hot air gonna go?
  10. C

    Pc fan or not?

    Yeah mate, upsize your intake. Im using 2 80mm for exhaust of my cab but only have like 5x 1inch holes drilled for passive intake and i can genuinely hear the fans speed up and get loader when i close the door and they rely on sucking through those itty bitty holes. Gotta do something about it...
  11. C

    Ballast Temperatures..

    Hey guys. I just started a stealth cab grow (details found elsewhere), and i did all the wiring myself. Now i have a bit of experience with this sort of thing, though ive never actually felt the temp of a fluoro ballast in operation. Im running 4x36watt out of 1 power point, which shouldnt be a...
  12. C

    First time growing, in a cabinet and man am i excited!

    s0high.. you might be right. I spent seriously about 3 hours today rigging the uhh.. rigging to raise and lower my lamps and in the end lost about 10cms of head room due to all the pulleys and shiz, only to be able to move them up and down like 30cms. While the loss of height is significant in...
  13. C

    First Time CFL Grow

    Hey man, just quickly reading through your thread.. you put some stones in the bottom of a garbo bag and just filled it with soil yeaha? Did you add drainage holes or anything?
  14. C

    First time growing, in a cabinet and man am i excited!

    no thats pretty much spot on bobbutcher, except the best way to ensure female plants, uniform growth ect without the time consuming effort of raising a ton of babies is to use clones. Which unfortunately i wont be doing, as i dont have a mother/ clone room. Quick update. Ive got everything wired...
  15. C

    First time growing, in a cabinet and man am i excited!

    Hey ya'll. This is my first grow AND my first post, and man am i thankful i found this website. It is simply an encyclopaedia of knowledge provided by YOU the members. I think this kind of online community is simply fantastic and will no doubt provide not only me with endless amounts of...