Recent content by burnturn

  1. B

    closet grow

    yeah my plan was to sprout with two cfl,s then place them under the hps light once they are about 4 inches tall. which will be when i take them from soil cubes to the hydro jar.
  2. B

    closet grow

    yeah i think im going to invest in the 400 for future projects as well as this. my space is about 4 square feet maybe a little larger. my plan was to start with 2-4 plants expecting two to three to die, leaving me with one or two plants to flower.
  3. B

    closet grow

    could i go smaller? with the proper light cycles how short could i cut the grow cycle if i wanted to start flowering when its only abit over a foot tall, do to space constrictions?
  4. B

    closet grow

    hey all so im thinking about doing a small hydro grow in my closet. nothing big, just a little something to have. im wondering if one 400 watt HPS will give me enough light to get a little plant going. also depending on flowering and timing how much can be done to speed up my harvest?
  5. B

    pc grow

    hey ive got a little pc grow going on my room right now starting plants for outside. but the plants are getting a little big in the case, im training them to grow in kind if strange angles to fit. is growing at a funny angle going to kill them when they go outside? or will they straighten up and...
  6. B

    little PC grow

    so i just got back from break and my friend killed one female. well not killed but shes not growing up and not really growing at all. i think moving around was too stressful for the little plants. ive started some seeds that again were from a friends bag of some decent middies. any suggestions...
  7. B

    little PC grow

    hey all. so we had a set back, two of the plants were male and one just died. so im left with one strong plant that hasnt showed signs of being male. i think im going to start another couple soon so i can have a crop on its way when this one plant goes into flower. is this a bad idea to have...
  8. B

    little PC grow

    hey all so im just posting an update. still no pics because i cant figure out how to get therm one. the two that didnt get burned still going strong. i think that the two that got burned will eventually with love and careing survive. but seeing as there just bag seeds i think im going to toss...
  9. B

    little PC grow

    hey all, so the two plants that got burnt are still looking very sad. but the other 2 seem to be doing well. they are in the case now and they fit pretty nicely. have some pics but i cant figure out how to get them on the site. whenever i try to upload them it wont let me, any tips?
  10. B

    why doesnt she stink?

    did you buy seeds? that would be nice if there were strains specifically designed to not smell.
  11. B

    little PC grow

    so ive had a giant set back. in adjusting the lights in order to not burn one flower i must have hit something and tipped the light over when closing the closet. two of the 4 plants have been burnt pretty badly. i think they will survive but i think it will be a little while till they get back...
  12. B

    little PC grow

    girls looking good. i think one got a little too close to the light, started to wilt. so i adjusted the lights and it looks like its making a little improvement, still a little wilted though. i am guessing it take a few days for it to really gets back into growing. the leaves are getting nice...
  13. B

    little PC grow

    thanks for the advice on the carbon filter feeK, i think that what i will probably do. plants look good today, still not in there PC case, i cant stand it when friends flake out on you! but set up in the closet now for the time being and looking good. ill post some pics of the girls soon, and...
  14. B

    little PC grow

    also mixing sugar in with the watering water helps plants grow, how much will maximize the cannabis growth? im sure too much will burn them and too little just wont do anything.
  15. B

    little PC grow

    plants looking nice and strong, survived the transplant nicely. now im worried im watering too much (or two little). what are the indications of too much watering and too little watering?