Recent content by BrettCharlyns

  1. BrettCharlyns

    which is better

    either 2 1000w HPS or 3 600w HPS. I read somewhere that the 3 600w put out more lumen cause you can put the lights closer. could someone please clarify this to me.
  2. BrettCharlyns

    [HELP]Can anyone tell me what's wrong with them? (lots of hq pics)

    just keep the air circulating. Are you using chlorinated tap water?
  3. BrettCharlyns

    pics ,this is my first time any advice?

    Use the hps & mh together you want to put them on chains or growyos so you can adjust the height as the plants grow. keep the lights as close to the plant tops as possible (put your hand just over the plants for a minute if its hot to you it is too hot for them-raise the lights until...
  4. BrettCharlyns

    Zeus's Take on Harvesting

    Thank you! That was, by far, the best information I've read on harvesting if not all of growing in general. concise and to the point with logical reasoning. I've been having stop myself from doing it too early now I know. thanks
  5. BrettCharlyns

    what medium should I use?

    cool, Thanks guys
  6. BrettCharlyns

    Hardcore punk

    weed culture tends to clash with the "gutterpunk image/values/lifestyle" -being stoned makes you less prone to fight, getting the munchies sucks when you live on the street and have no food or money. Sorry I'm baked and rambling. I grew up punk and even though I'm well into "adulthood"-37 is...
  7. BrettCharlyns

    Bluegrass Music

    I'm not a big fan of the whining gospel slow bluegrass but, I love the faster heavy picking style ie. Foggy mountain breakdown et al. Doc Watson, Earl Scruggs, Jimmy Martin to name a few. Old Crow Medicine Show and Yonder MSB fantastic as well. I'm from the mountains in the southeast so its in...
  8. BrettCharlyns

    what medium should I use?

    Thanks to everyone involved with making this site what it is. This is my first grow. I'm using clay pellets in an ebb flow system. I was given clones that were rooted in plugs( they seem to be soil encased in a fine netting-purchased at WalMart with the dome container included). I was told by...
  9. BrettCharlyns

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi Everyone, I'm 39 days in to my first serious grow so far so good! I'd like to thank all the folks involved with this site for making it so good.