Recent content by bong14

  1. bong14

    Never Get Busted DVD Synopsis Part 1

    There are also state laws that come into effect when your car is being searched. if the cop ask's to search the car and he dosnt have probable cause then tell him that you would like a supervier pressent for the search, that will make it so he has to call in for superviers and well unless he...
  2. bong14

    Aerogarden Help

    I was lookin into getting one of those aerogardens lol any idea on a site that you can buy one at or a store like walmart or lowes lol?
  3. bong14

    10 ft monsters!

    you prob could tie/bend the plant shouldnt hurt it. if that dosnt work try finding a bigger room? or just put the lights on the side and mabe a small one at the top light? the plant may like it tell me if it works
  4. bong14

    Buds for less- Best Book Ever!!!

    lol i need to buy this book... you guys think a waldens books or somthin like that would sell it or should i try and buy it online?
  5. bong14

    Sexuality of my WHite-widow plants

    hurry killz it... Its a male i hope that you have figerd that out by now but i am just pointin out what i see... alittle FYI if it has balls its a male... please just tell me that you forgot to put ur glasses on before you posted this : /
  6. bong14

    What kind of blunt r u

    rofl wth did you get an AE pipe? I have never seen a pipe in one of there shops... lol but yea pipe/bong and when i do roll i just use the blunt wraps i am lazy and dont like havin to split the cigar in half :/
  7. bong14

    Topping?!1#@ how many is too many?

    kk i have a pic of one of my plants in my profile pic i will try and upload pics of everything + growroom setup
  8. bong14

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    Dont knock the kid lol you never know i have seen alot shittyer of setups... You "Could grow it with floressent lights" lol but eh i am still new at growin but my plants look sexy and big so clf's arnt bad I use them and a florressent light lol and If you look at the plants i got goin you would...
  9. bong14

    Topping?!1#@ how many is too many?

    cool thanks so i toped them 2 times is it still goin to make good bud?
  10. bong14

    Topping?!1#@ how many is too many?

    Hi i am just wanting to know how many times is too many to top a plant? Its growing inside and wana maximize the amount of bud :) its been toped 3 times and is a foot tall and about 15 inches around. What should i do? the plant is also a month old :)
  11. bong14

    What type of plant/seed do i get?

    I was looking for a good strane to grow. I want a nice yeild but i also dont wana wait a few months... i will be growing inside. What strane should I get? and can anyone tell me a good site to get seeds from?
  12. bong14

    Grow Times

    Thanks for the tip i will do that. I just got done with my Grow box so I am also going to try to grow indoors any strain I should look for? I want somthing that has the highest THC yeild and a nice buzz. I dont realy like clearheaded high's I like to be in my own world if you know what I mean...
  13. bong14

    Grow Times

    so if you get soo much more from outdoor why would people grow inside? sorry for the stupid questions. Also any websites that have any 'HOW TO" videos?
  14. bong14

    Grow Times

    thanks I got inspired to build a grow box working on that now :) to be able to keep my self supplyed and not have to buy how many plants would i need to grow? i go through about a quarter a week.
  15. bong14

    Grow Times

    lol ok well are there any tips that you can give me? Since I cant rush them is there a way i can make them produce more bud? I have two types growing right now "ThaiStick" there are 8 of them and "Lowryder2" 8 of them also I got them off an online seed bank. This is going to be my first try at...