Recent content by Bobster

  1. Bobster

    2nd Indoor Grow-Blueberry Skunk, Aurora Indica, Couple Hybrids

    oh i c. Yea if u can cross the AI & BS then u know whats want some..i will have a place outside when u get seeds. I hope u have good luck with the others u got. Its fun aint it? Watching them grow through the trials and tribulations of a plants
  2. Bobster

    2nd Indoor Grow-Blueberry Skunk, Aurora Indica, Couple Hybrids

    Yea still in the country. If u get seeds from the AI & BS, i def want some for real. That will make some real deal smoke. G/L with the others, im still watching.
  3. Bobster

    2nd Indoor Grow-Blueberry Skunk, Aurora Indica, Couple Hybrids

    Thats a bummer dude. But, a bunch of seeds would be nice tho. U still have 3 more AI seeds left dont ya?
  4. Bobster

    1st grow strain=kush 4weeks need a lil advice(PICS)

    take clones now, go 12/12 with mother. or u can wait a week or 2. Its up to u.
  5. Bobster

    1st grow strain=kush 4weeks need a lil advice(PICS)

    thats a male. u can take clones now.
  6. Bobster

    Nirvana WW Hempy

    some more pics.
  7. Bobster

    Nirvana WW Hempy

    day 17 for the bigger one. day 10 for the other. I took some clones from each.
  8. Bobster

    Al B. FAQt

    Thanks for responding so fast. I cant speak for others but, when i recently removed plants from my buckets. There was no roots in the bottom 2" of the 3 gal bucket. Obviously thats the resivour. I thought that was kinda strange but yet understandable in another way. thx
  9. Bobster

    Al B. FAQt

    Howdy Al & others, How big/much of a root system do i need to transfer clones from a bubble cloner to a hempy bucket? I know u dont care for hempys so if u dont know then thats kool.
  10. Bobster

    The Hempy Collective

    I have some clones rooting in a bubble cloner i made. How big / much does the roots need to be before moving to the hempy bucket? thx
  11. Bobster

    bubbler cloner expert help please!!!

    yea i was kinda hijacked but its all good.
  12. Bobster

    bubbler cloner expert help please!!!

    ok i found the problem. nobody else would have done what i did so it wont help anyone to know. thanks anyway..
  13. Bobster

    tell me a story, make me laugh or cry

    My god look what i got for $349!!!!
  14. Bobster

    My god look what i got for $349!!!!

    hey bro, ur a good sport. this thread has made me laugh very hard. I wont give my opinion unless u ask.
  15. Bobster

    My god look what i got for $349!!!!
