Recent content by blueman11

  1. B

    Sadhu and Bag seed grow. Mybe Hymaphrodites

    At the moment all the pistals on all my plants are coming out of the actual flower bit and not down where the shoots join the stalk should i be worryed or not?
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    Sadhu and Bag seed grow. Mybe Hymaphrodites

    cheers well im thinking of just giving one plant to a mate and then throughing the other out....will just see in a cupple of months if it grows any bud at all
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    Sadhu and Bag seed grow. Mybe Hymaphrodites

    Ok so my grow is 17 days into flowering, this is my second grow, my first went well but only had one female plant. This time i was excited as all my plants came out with the female hairs, however the 2 bag seed plants now have small looking balls hanging off them, i think they my be...
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    First Grow Sadhu 14 days flowering

    ok so been a while its now 41 days into flowering and this is what the big bud shots look like... how long u reckons left coz this is first time and dont have a clue. thanks for all the coments so far
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    First Grow Sadhu 14 days flowering

    ok so havent been on in a while, been away on boaring skl trips...but now am bak and can see the diffrence left my baby with my mom and i think shes done alright, i will give her some of the fruits of my labour, so heres a few pics tell me what you think, shes now 22inches tall. i havent tied...
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    First Grow Sadhu 14 days flowering

    yeh iv probably made a few mistakes, with this female the lights fell ontop of her in veg courceing me to loose 3 inches as they got fried, but its not turned out to bad yeh i try to fert about once or twice a week and water nearly every day now. yeh shadhus a good strain looking forward to...
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    First Grow Sadhu 14 days flowering

    yeh mybe on my next grow i will do it all properly this was just a warm up to the big one so i get to know what im doing, dont think it will end up to badly, what yeald to you recon i could get of this its from mandalaseeds and sadhu strain? also just looking around the house for a bigger closet...
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    First Grow Sadhu 14 days flowering

    space is about 700cm by 1000cm its realy small looking around the house for a new place haha, yeh mybe im in the uk :). hopfully these lights will work just fine that i have but am still looking around for a bargain
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    First Grow Sadhu 14 days flowering

    yer the thing is im on a shoe string budget, and i know that hps is expensive and puts out alot of heat which i dont have room to get the light far enough away from the light, also with hps you need to buy a transformer as well cant plug strait into the normal light socket. the size was about...
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    First Grow Sadhu 14 days flowering

    yeh im using the shitest lights ever just from lockal B&Q only 110w each got 3 of them but realy need a better one, this is my only girl so want to make most of it what would you recomend? im also rapidly running out of space in cuboard need to move it as recon will be another month of growth...
  11. B

    First Grow Sadhu 14 days flowering

    this is my only female out of 5 sadhu plants 14days into flowering and is 15 inches tall tell me what you think
  12. B

    complete Novice

    no my friend lol just sparked a J and wanted my own fruits of my labour i will not give up...... so iv taken a cutting and put some root hormone stuff on it hopfully make a clone out of this also switched the lights onto veg again at 18/6 just so the grow bigger again im hopping for a fully...
  13. B

    complete Novice

    ok tragedy struck last night the tape holdin the light in place(what a bad idea thinkin of it now) melted and caused the light to fall on the only female of my crop meaning the top inch has been fryed :( :( :( the other plant is also male things just arnt good 4 me...... also now thinkin of...
  14. B

    complete Novice

    ok so updating you on my grow now 5days into flowering. know 2 out of 4 of my plants have been killed this is because they are male:( 1 plant is female:) and the other isnt showing any sex yet. hoping to take a clone from the female is this recomended? or will i loose out on yeild in short run...
  15. B

    complete Novice

    yer the light fell on the plant about 3 weeks ago and frazzeled the leaves but groth still been alright.....still what you guys think about sex or is it just to early?????????