Recent content by Bill Dillows

  1. Bill Dillows

    Humic Acid Reduces THC???

    You can use NAOH or hydrogen peroxide to create humates from humin. It can also be done naturally through oxidation or microbial breakdown. Shale, compost and river sediment are all natural sources of humates without any extraction.
  2. Bill Dillows

    Humic Acid Reduces THC???

    The article is from 2015 and was controversial at the time. Just like humus, black holes couldn't be seen with outdated technology, but we knew they existed. There has been a lot of humate science advancements since then. ISO and LAMAR testing are more accurate ways to quantify humates and are...
  3. Bill Dillows

    Humic Acid Reduces THC???

    I did a little more searching and was able to track down the source of humic acid called "Brandt-uptake-12" used in the cannabis study. A partial description is as follows: Humic Acid Guaranteed Analysis Soluble Potash (K2O) .. . 3.0% Derived from potassium hydroxide. F76 ALSO CONTAINS...
  4. Bill Dillows

    Humic Acid Reduces THC???

    Humic acid is a long-chain heavy humate. It can cause kidney and liver problems in humans. It can be derived from byproducts of the coal and natural gas industry. It needs to be broken down further to become available to plants and is not soluble at acidic conditions necessary for plant growth...