Recent content by bengrowin

  1. B

    so fucked

    Its feed corn but some are cutting for green sileage.. I guess we will see what happens I wrapped it with gorilla tape and used a branch about a inch thick broke it in 4 pieces and taped thag around it also.. no commercial sweet corn around us.
  2. B

    so fucked

    Will it need more water since its stressed? Haven't had to water this year..
  3. B

    so fucked

    Yea same principal as I was thinking but not sure that the little roots would do. I wanna go check it now but don't wanna draw attention to the new spot
  4. B

    so fucked

    Also I remember reading in a horticultural book that with some plants a way to clone them is to cut a slit and pack it with spagnam moss and wet it then wrap with plastic and it will root. I'm not trying to clone this plant but worried about losing it so I'm thinking maybe I can get the broken...
  5. B

    so fucked

    I tried to tape it as tight as possible but its hard to tell what's proper, the snap didn't sever the branch but made about a 1" long wound. Its not supposed to rain for about 4 days so I think that will help with keeping extra weight off the wound but I just don't know how its gonna pull thru...
  6. B

    so fucked

    So I'm growing in corn and its starting to get cut around here so I decided to move one plant to a younger corn patch.... Well-known I think growing in corn is a bad idea now!! I'm about 1 week in flower and don't feel like I got much of the roots (although I don't think there is a great root...
  7. B

    Pa Growers

    I'd say it looks a little small and stretched.. but best of luck somethings better then nothing
  8. B

    Drying outside?

    U could get an umbrella and hang it too and hang the plants horizontally under the umbrellas.. never tried it but makes sense that it would work
  9. B

    Pa Growers

    I saw the first cutting of corn today.. and not sure whatt to do as mine are planted in corn fields. Im thinking of just going out tonight and putting them in buckets so I can move them fast if needed in the future.. any advise on digging up plants that just went into preflower?
  10. B

    Drying outside?

    You can defiantly dry outside you just don't want light hktting the buds as they dry because the light will degrade the thc, I dried mine outside last year and thought it was a little too fast of a process (about 4-5 days if I remember correct) so it came out a little "airy". But yes it can be...
  11. B

    Looking forGuerilla tips and planting wild

    If you aren't going back for buds then what are you worried about?? You won't wanna pull males if that's the case and you can plant them and never go back or wait a few years and see if you have wild pot lol although if it was that easy I think there would be a shit ton of wild weed forests..
  12. B

    10 weeks flowering/unknown strain

    Glad to see you waited and I'd say another week and post a pic then..
  13. B

    Has anyone tried something like this?

    Try it out and let us know but you need a control ( one without) to tell the difference
  14. B

    Pa Growers

    Went and checked mine yesterday and ahad a male showing sex but the other two aren't yet was wondering what other pa female plants are lookin like. The tallest is just over 6 foot and other one about 4.5 feet. Southeast part of pa..
  15. B

    Outdoor grow questions

    Verticle growth is up to you and it wasn't mentioned how close you planted them to comment on space.... but best of luck eitherway!!