Recent content by bbblz

  1. B

    I've cut the main stem a bit, any medicine for this? (pics)

    Here we go. the 2 flowering plants is one of the victims, i can't remember which one. but believe me when i say that bitch was hanging clean off apart from one strand! but she literally did not miss a beat, i think even that cola was the biggest possibly. BbblZ
  2. B

    I've cut the main stem a bit, any medicine for this? (pics)

    hey man, lemme dig it out real quick; ill get a before and after;
  3. B

    I've cut the main stem a bit, any medicine for this? (pics)

    that is absolutely nothing to worry about, but i can certainly understand your concern! i accidentally snapped a 6 week flowering plant at one of the 4 main nodes which were flowering, that bitch snapped almost clean off! it was hanging off with the whole weight of the bud above it, (about the...
  4. B

    trouble germinating in rockwool/roots not growing out of cube

    so most of the seedlings died, they just stopped progressing and the root tip browned. i believe I could have burned them as you say with the acid or the low strengh feed or both. 2 of them have survived, and are now in the clay pebbles, being fed 15 mins 4x a day, on plain water (non ph'd) and...
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    trouble germinating in rockwool/roots not growing out of cube

    thanks for the prompt reply Sandgrouper, the guides always state when germing with rockwool, to put water and rockwool into tub, let them climatise, then to ph it down to 5.5 because rockwool is too alkaline. are you saying to leave it around 7.5 until the roots come out? i forgot to mention...
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    trouble germinating in rockwool/roots not growing out of cube

    Hi Guys, So this is something i've been struggling with recently; (have searched and researched alot of similar posts, but nothing the same), i've read and read and read about the process, and recently decided to put it into action, to which every single one germinated, then came straight...
  7. B

    Puffdatchronic's White Label Northern Lights Grow Journal

    im guessing if you flowered her so small, she will not take very long indeed if the company themselves say 45 days!! 6.5 weeks is a great amount of time to wait like. i must say, i have seen 8 week strains finish in 7 weeks when flowering small plants, apparently they don't need the full time if...
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    Puffdatchronic's White Label Northern Lights Grow Journal

    whattup puff, those genes are real good. i noticed on page three at week 1 shes starting her first set of true nodes thats nuts! it honestly looks magnified on the following few days photos you've taken. iv never seen something so tight. did you not take clones? ill be keeping an eye on this...
  9. B

    600w ten parabolic soil SOG afghan kush, White Russian and Pineapple Chunk - COMPLETE

    Hey Guys whasGwann (whats going on?), so heres a journal that is since complete, quite succesfully. the specs are as follows; 600w growlux HPS, 1.2x1.2x2 cheap-ass chinese poison-tent, various sized pots, various soil types (cocoa, royal mix, light mix), future harvest 3 part mix, epsom salts...
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    White Widow Grow Journal

    what happened in the end then :D final yield etc? BbblZ x
  11. B

    First grow (soil)! 600w Parabolic with various strains

    hey good grow dude, where are we at with this i am curious to know! im all for parabolics, simply because they give the best light spread along with heat spread :D btw, are you sure these are up to day 38? this is like 5+ weeks, ur plants look only 2/3 weeks old??? good going though for first...
  12. B

    5 Weeks into New Grow: Hawaii and Friends

    did u get 4oz from this 800w grow? BbblZ x
  13. B

    Master Kush CFL Grow + pics

    argh what happened to these, they are so far the "best start" cfl grow iv ever seen! x