Recent content by BBblueberryYY

  1. B

    Igotdialup's First Grow CFL

    did u keep the clones warm? u should of waited longer. i know its hard but be patient!
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    Hydroponic outdoors?

    you could bury the res? it would stay cool if it were in the ground. at least i think it would?
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    I though this web site was for knowlege? Maybe i just askd the wrong way not sure? Can someone please help out I'm trying to save room. I have a 400w hps and three plants, and would like to know if i can use a one gallon for the flower cycle of a clone with 3-4 days veg? I'm growing them in the...
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    How small can the bucket be for these type of set ups? I have one gallon and would like to use them for some clones but I want to flower them in the one gallon bucket? Will this work out since you do not have to veg for long? I think 3-4 days after the clone roots? I feel that a one gallon...
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    No crystals on my female???

    r u growing in a hydro system? cause you said you feed her the hydro nutes once maybe twice a week? do not understand
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    Question on my hydro system

    I think you will be fine with the temps you have now, but I'm a noob so dont quote me! My res temps are around 66-68 and going good!:joint:
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    cloning question

    Ive seen pictures and read a couple things in rollitup about clonig without useing some kind of hormone. some growers can take a clone and grow it without the gel or powder and they have been successfull. dont have any quotes to back it up but im sure someone will and back it up!:joint:
  8. B

    Sex my baby up. Please. (Pics)

    Three weeks into flowering? Are you sure cause it should have alot of bud sites and i dont see any! Maybe three weeks into veg! It is almost ready to take some clones but im just a newb to so dont hold anything against me. Looks pretty healthy anyways good luck:leaf:
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    need help sexing

    Looks like a girl to me! Congrates Are you growing indoor or outdoor? from your pics it looks like outdoors! :confused:
  10. B

    looking for weed in mexico

    kiss-assI know you can get perscription drugs all over in mexico! ask for some marinol, xanax, valium, oxycontin, buprenorphine or any of your other favorites! bongsmilie
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    Stoned in Minnesota

    I am growing both in soil and hydro. I am not sure what the proper name for the hydro setup is but it is a bucket with air pump, air rock. My soil grow is acually quite a miricale cause it started out back when there was still snow on the ground here in minnesnota. It has almost drownd quite a...
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    White Berry Hydro Grow

    I love how detailed you are email! I am new hydro grower and an learning alot from yours! my one plant is growing so much faster in hydro campared to one in soil i have growing also. gona do the rest of my grows in hydro for sure!