Recent content by Barron5595

  1. Barron5595

    new season new grow cab (flouro)

    If your having a bad shock problem I would foliar feed only for a few weeks to ensure that the plant only takes in what it needs. One tsp of Epsom salt in a gallon of water and foliar feed that should help the stomas nuclei to not retain so much so the plants look droopy should work tremendously...
  2. Barron5595

    new season new grow cab (flouro)

    Are you going to do something with that cord and is it lightproof yet? Just wondering looks good though I think I want to do something like very flouros for back and side coverage plus's maybe small HP's for the top or flouros for now I like your idea though!!!
  3. Barron5595

    new season new grow cab (flouro)

    Very impressed with how it looks... Wish I had one that neat lol but I'll work with what I got
  4. Barron5595

    new season new grow cab (flouro)

    Yeah I found seed starter mix at dollar tree so I think I'm going to take about 6 more clones with bubble cloner and use that once I start to see roots at about half to an inch the soul I have now is bad compost soil it needs to completely dry out before I can use that soil
  5. Barron5595

    new season new grow cab (flouro)

    Good start I think I'm going yo modify my dresser for 2 doors and maybe 2 separate plants or just open the other side up and allow for multiple plant growth
  6. Barron5595

    Mewk's Tiny PC Grow #2 / 69w CFL / Soil

    Mewk! Love What your doing been growing in a over for almost a year and yet You still inspire me! Subbed :bigjoint:
  7. Barron5595

    so u think your a hydro pro?

    Cap. The best hydro system is the one you experience and tweak to fit your personal needs. Dwc is one of the of the easiest in my personal experiences. However, with this being said dwc is not for everyone take a couple different methods, also look into aeroponics, or other "hydro" soilless...
  8. Barron5595

    PC Micro Grow

    You can indeed Clone while the plants are in flower it will just take some time for the plants to very back to veg stage. Also if you veg back from flower your plants might start to shoot out single bladed leaves. Don't get rid of your plant it's typical. Eventually they will shoot "normal"...
  9. Barron5595

    PC Micro Grow

    The only place I grow is in a of grow box. And like any other plant they do tend to grow 2x bigger durin flower... Lst and super roping would be the best for a of box as it allows more light penetration as well as a better o2 flow. I started 12/12 from seed so my plants only got about 8 inches...
  10. Barron5595

    Ill clones and ill plants? HELP - URGENT!

    Maybe your clones have air lock?.... Next time try to take your cuttings from under water to keep air out of the stems. This helps also for cloning I would make a bubble cloner.. Fairly simple and easy to make yourself
  11. Barron5595

    Good cloner?

    Anyone else have any tips/tricks when it comes to cloning? Humidity dome or what? What lights do y'all clone under?
  12. Barron5595

    Good cloner?

    What lights do you clone under? And how long does it usually take for you to start seeing roots? And do you stick your cuttings right in the water or do you stick the cutting above the water? Thanks for the info
  13. Barron5595

    Good cloner?

    :leaf:So you think your a good cloner? Well I'm far from that, more novice than anything. So can any one tell me the ideal clone? From top of the plant or closer to the bottom? What branch is ideal for the heartiest clone? Also what are some of your "basic" cloning techniques? Soil an hydro lets...
  14. Barron5595

    Bubble cloner help!!!

    Nice set up! I'm using a small sterilite tub
  15. Barron5595

    Bubble cloner help!!!

    Hmmm how would you use the noodle in this form?