Recent content by b2theizzle

  1. b2theizzle

    Cheese Trainwreck 12 / 12 From Seed

    Hi Goonabeatyaa, nice to hear from you too mate. I think we have all learned something from your grow, i know i have learned a lot & put some ideas into practise. its true what you say about getting hooked on growing. i am growing to pay off a few debts, but i really love the challange of...
  2. b2theizzle

    Cheese Trainwreck 12 / 12 From Seed

    Thanks for the tips ganjaluvr. i wont cut any more off them until they are ready to harvest. i just hope it hasn't done too much damage already, as i think they are only about 2 weeks off harvest ? I'm not too sure when to start them on water only, so maybe you can give me some ideas on this &...
  3. b2theizzle

    Cheese Trainwreck 12 / 12 From Seed

    Hi Goonerbeatyaa, Those buds look sweet. any news on the yeilds yet ? Miy c/w are starting to cover the whole cola's tops now. The 6 cola 1 is as tall as the 4 cola one & i have trimmed a lot of fan leave off to allow more light to the lower buds. Whats the smoke like ? some say its trippy...
  4. b2theizzle

    Cheese Trainwreck 12 / 12 From Seed

    Hey Goonerbeatyaa, How things ? Did you weigh your harvest from the topped plant yet ? mine are doing fine now i got rid of the male CHURCH i had. They are both cheesewreck & about 2 ft tall now. the 1 with 4 colas is the tallest & i have tied the branches down to let in more light to the lower...
  5. b2theizzle

    Purple widow, Blueberry Super Skunk Pc Grow 1st TIME GROW

    Hi gajamanuk, you can get 28w reptile CFLs from pets at home !! great for vegging plants. i'm using 1 for my cuttings.
  6. b2theizzle

    Cheese Trainwreck 12 / 12 From Seed

    Hi Goonerbeatyaa, Wow mate those girls are looking good now, i am really impressed. I hope my two c/w turn out as good as yours. they have been in flower about a week now ! i got a question for you : how higher did your topped one get from the start of flower till now ? i topped both of mine 1...
  7. b2theizzle

    Yellow new buds

    Hi, streetlegal, the plants are 9 or 10 weeks old from seed, they where veg'd for only 3 weeks before going into 12/12. the ph is now @ 5.8, but when i started i was setting it at 6.2, until i was informed that was too high for coco. I have had a problem with the pale leaves since week6, but...
  8. b2theizzle

    Yellow new buds

    Hi Green, Hi Streetlegal, My lights are 8" off the plants, but are cooltubes sucking from freshair vent through light to fan & out though chimney. i can hold my hand above the plants with out getting burned, so i thought this was ok as more light was better ?? Take a look at pic 3 & 6 see how...
  9. b2theizzle

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    hi Uncle Ben, can you please diagnose what is wrong with my plants. my pics are here: Any advice is truly appreciated
  10. b2theizzle

    Yellow new buds

    Hey guys, A little help is needed yet again. I have 2x cheesewreck & 1 Church growing in coco under 600w HPS on 12/12. Please take a look at my pics & tell me how to amend these sick girls. thanks for taking the time to help. :roll:
  11. b2theizzle

    Yellow new buds

    Hi Guys, I would appreciate a little help here, so if you have had the same problem please comment & give me a way to fix my girls ! I'm a new grower & decided to grow in Canna coco under a 600w HPS. I water the girls every 2-3 days with Canna coco A+B, Ryzatonic & cannazym. i ph the final...
  12. b2theizzle

    newbie grower uk

    newbie grower uk
  13. b2theizzle

    Pale Leaf Plants HELP

    My girls are getting better i think Rate this Entry Excellent Good Average Bad Terrible 0 Comments by b2theizzle View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Journal Entries View Articles on 06-04-2010 at 03:49 PM (0 Views) Well as you all saw last...
  14. b2theizzle

    Pale Leaf Plants HELP

    Hey Holayall, I'm using Canna coco professional plus & have been keeping Ph @6.2. Is this too high then ? Why do you need to add Calmag ? Are you using Canna coco nutes ? I was only 1/2 feeding them the nutes & thought this was too much(nute burn/ lock out), but perhaps it wasn't enough & thats...
  15. b2theizzle

    Cheese Trainwreck 12 / 12 From Seed

    Hi Gooner, Just read this reply, so no need to reply on the other thread !! How high are the cheesewreck now ? Can we see some more pics ?