Recent content by Arvada

  1. Arvada

    There is an App For That

    That's great! I appreciate all the wisdom. I am running Outlook also, and didn't know the calendar had a reminder bell feature. That is a good tip. I will experiment with useing Word. This will be the first time I use my computer for recordkeeping. I used to write on paper, but my hands are bad...
  2. Arvada

    There is an App For That

    Yes the journal would be notes, dates and stuff like that. Something I can use for reference as I grow so I can look up when I fertilized and with what and so on. I have the microsoft Office package on my computer with six programs, but didn't know what does exactly what. Thanks, Arvada
  3. Arvada

    There is an App For That

    Hello, I just downloaded your app. Thanks for sharing it. I only require the express form of it tho. What I would like to know is what is a good way to keep a growing journal on my computer? Thanks, Arvada
  4. Arvada

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    I figure on .11 per KWH. Your bill will go up about $50 per month. (estimate)
  5. Arvada

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    It is good to have a business checking acct in the company name. I don't know about a specific growers license. I don't understand why you would need to pinpoint it that much. In a sense, you are selling contract services; growing for customers. You can also retail your product, needing the...
  6. Arvada

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    That's what I thought. The $110 was for a doctors visit, or other fee, but not paid to the State as MMR annual fee.
  7. Arvada

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Someone posted earlier their doctor wrote something out to increase their plant total from 6 to 20. The reason was use for edibles. I believe they quoted an increase of your State MMR fee is $110, making it $200 annually. Is this info correct? And are you holding the docs reccom paper only...
  8. Arvada

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite Speaking of Federal law, this article from the Denver Post is about Feds and Colo
  9. Arvada

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    EdGreyfox, Thanks for the input. It seems as though I underestimated the capacity of my grow tents. That's OK, right now I am collecting materials and knowledge before I begin the indoor grow. I am appreciative of the fact that I can smoke and grow in my house without worrying about the law...
  10. Arvada

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    As for the 40 plant limit, I suppose it's possible if all you use is edibles, but it's still enough to raise some eyebrows. Most people are going to assume with that many plants that you have to have excess you're selling someplace. Like yourself I'm able to get a much higher plant count then I...
  11. Arvada

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Really? That is good news. I mailed everything certified nov 30th. I made copies of the documents for file. I paid with a check. When I called a dispensery & asked how people can use before receiving the card, he stated I need to wait till the State cashes my check. Then that is my paid...
  12. Arvada

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Welcome Are you on the E or W side of the tunnel?
  13. Arvada

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Today I was looking at Paulinos Nursery website. It stated that Seniors (55 yrs) receive 20 % off everything every Wednesday thru EOM March. I am not affilliated - just thought to pass it on, Colorado people.
  14. Arvada

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    Doogleaf, Thanks for keeping touch with reality.
  15. Arvada

    Colorado Med Growers, Unite

    I am ready to germinate some seeds in GH Rapid Rooter tray. When the plugs root, I plan to plant in soil, indoors, in smart pot. I have 2 gal and 5 gal sizes. Also have 16 oz beverage cups. I purchased FF Ocean Floor only. Question: Will that be OK , or should I use a different soil in early...