Recent content by An Oranje Canadian

  1. An Oranje Canadian

    Duct Fan Question. Could It Draw Cold Air In?

    lol cheaper at home hardware
  2. An Oranje Canadian

    My Personal Built Grow Box

    To help with high temps and keep it on the downsie, I suggest buying 2 4" inline duct fans. Even booster fans will work on something that small. Great thing about them are 1) cheap, 30 bucks each 2) quiet 3)can be wired into a 120v outlet 4) super quiet. Now what I would do is buy a...
  3. An Oranje Canadian

    Global Warming... Oops, I'm Sorry It's Now Called CLIMATE CHANGE :lol:

    Funny this is right from the article; "as he acknowledges, he could be dead wrong." Hes just offering the devils advocate view. Its funny that everyone says nothing is happening or CO2 isn't really the problem. None of you live in a cold climate. I can remember as a kid 20ft snowbanks and...
  4. An Oranje Canadian

    Better then cpu fans!

    225 cfm........thats a lot more then cpu fans
  5. An Oranje Canadian

    Conversation Between rollitup and An Oranje Canadian

    please close this thread
  6. An Oranje Canadian

    Better then cpu fans!

    So my canadian friends I have found something found at any homehardware. 225 cfm quiet and can be plugged into any outlet! You can also by a thermostat made by the same company that plugs into the fan as...
  7. An Oranje Canadian

    Ventilating a two compartment closet

    just had this problem awhile ago. what I did was, place one intake at the bottom of the cab (with fan)drilled two 3 inch holes on either side of the shelf that separates the flower/veg rooms as passive intakes and then vented through the top via outtake fan/scrubber. To prevent the light...
  8. An Oranje Canadian

    Conversation Between rollitup and An Oranje Canadian

    Yep I did send that! This is a dank website, you wanna talk pot you have come to the right place, you wanna talk bullshit politricks go be a goddamn senator.
  9. An Oranje Canadian

    Messages from the left

    you know what is funny you guys are so right wing, yet your pro pot. you guys are just confused.
  10. An Oranje Canadian

    Gun Control

    for gun control, a la UK.
  11. An Oranje Canadian

    Messages from the left

    Glad to see you proved my point. slam
  12. An Oranje Canadian

    Messages from the left

    Here is a fact mcflurry; the Bush occupation created this economic downturn. FACT. don't let the door hit you on the way out.:hump:
  13. An Oranje Canadian

    Messages from the left

    +rep I'll have a molson or labatts to that! cheers
  14. An Oranje Canadian

    Messages from the left

    go ahead son, the stage is all yours. This is gonna be awesome can't wait to read even more written diarrhea! Not going to change my name, and I'm not going to be quiet. Typical righty, go crawl back into your shanty
  15. An Oranje Canadian

    Messages from the left

    Minus the safest banking system in the world Canada.