Recent content by Amnesia420

  1. Amnesia420

    need help asap

    I wouldn't spray it if there's nothing there, yes you're right the pattern is pretty consistent for a bug. Nobody else had bothered to replied so i thought I would. It doesn't take much effort to have a look on the underside of the leaf. I do this often so if there is anything there I'm aware...
  2. Amnesia420

    need help asap

    Have a look on the underside of the leaf, any sign of bugs ?
  3. Amnesia420

    GANGAS 2020 garden

    Subbed, nice trees I purchased some jelly pie from greenpoint so I'm looking forward to watching, good luck on the grow, she really is a monster.
  4. Amnesia420

    Outdoor seedling issue

    I see no picture ;-)
  5. Amnesia420

    negative pressure vs. Positive pressure

    Filter, extractor in the tent for me, I think some people may have it outside if they don’t have Much room but I’m not 100% sure. Yes that’s right negative pressure your tent should be sucking in. Some people will have an intake fan on the outside maybe that’s what you’re seeing.
  6. Amnesia420

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Managed to figure it haha. Started with a pack of Jelly Pie. Couldn’t choose, I want them all, if these are good then no doubt I’ll get another order in.
  7. Amnesia420

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Thanks very much bud appreciate it.
  8. Amnesia420

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I haven’t figured it out yet bud I literally just tried and had an error come up just enjoying the first takeaway since we got put into lockdown then I’ll try again.
  9. Amnesia420

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Cheers I have been looking for a while but it was the whole bitcoin thing that put me off.
  10. Amnesia420

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Hi all I’m very interested in greenpoint, I’ve just set up a Coinbase wallet and hope to get an order in as their strains looks awesome. Are they all as dank as they look ? Does anyone have a favourite or a recommendation. I’ve wanted the tomahawk for ages but now I cant decide, the Grape Punch...
  11. Amnesia420

    To hot

    It takes a while to get everything dialed in mate you’ll get there. It helps if you try and keep to the same methods try not to keep chopping and changing and opening your tent.
  12. Amnesia420

    To hot

    I would keep extractor on and if after a few hours the temps still haven’t come down abit, then you could try using your intake fan, if you have a 4” extractor fan or bigger on max speed I would have thought you should be able to cope. I have my extractor on a controller and it’s never on max speed.
  13. Amnesia420

    To hot

    I’d keep your extractor on 24/7 mate, what I meant by passive intake is that it’s not switched on, mine always stays like this. Like jondamon said make sure you vent out of the room if you can my duct is just led on top of the door blowing out onto the landing. Keep a window open for fresh air...
  14. Amnesia420

    What I’m doing now!

    Nice work man, the good thing about seeing this a little late lots of lovely content to view haha. Nice!
  15. Amnesia420

    To hot

    What size tent/room have you got