Recent content by Amirul

  1. Amirul

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Ok I will change the light hour, thanks del. .:weed:
  2. Amirul

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    i have a question about 12/12 from seed. Will it take longer to flower if the plant gets 12 hrs of light from the sun.( around 6-8 hrs of direct sunlight). and for 12 hrs in the closet for dark period. Because my plant wont show sex :( its been around 4 weeks. Do i have anything to worry about?
  3. Amirul

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I am a new grower, still learning everything. This is my second grow, first time 12/12 from seed, I would appreciate any advice from you guys.So this plant is 3 week and 4 days old, no sign of sex. Its from a bag seed. I keep it 12 hrs in the sun and 12 hrs in my closet. Temperature here is on...
  4. Amirul

    What burn is this?

    I only water at night. Before i put them in the closet. :bigjoint:
  5. Amirul

    What burn is this?

    Well it stays under the sun so it dries up kinda fast.
  6. Amirul

    What burn is this?

    Noticed it today on the other leaf it started with the bottom leaves and now its spreading to the next 1. its just the tip. Can any1 identify the burn. INFO 12-12 since seed. 12 hour sun light and 12 hour darkness. I feed Organic food like coffee grind, egg shell etc. Age- 2 weeks and 5 days...
  7. Amirul

    What the hell is this?

  8. Amirul

    What the hell is this?

    well i saw first real leaf form many times but never saw the white hair before.
  9. Amirul

    What the hell is this?

    Kinda freaked me out never saw anything like it. If u guys think its cool then i guess i have nothing to worry about. Thanks for the info guys. PEACE!
  10. Amirul

    What the hell is this?

    So recently i germinated some seeds and all of em sprouted but 1 of them is weird, see it for yourself.
  11. Amirul

    Increasing Soil Fertility ideas?

    So I have this seed planted in a soil with very low fertility. Ideas on how I can increase the fertility in the future are welcome. You dont get proper fertilizers where I live. So I have been thinking of fish water, egg shells, tea bags, coffee grinds, milk. If anyone has used any of these with...
  12. Amirul

    A Noob Question

    It says organic food for plants and nothing like n-p-k . :cry:
  13. Amirul

    A Noob Question

    Thats the best soil i could get here, trust me i tried everything to get better soil just wasn't possible. And i gave em some food but not much, should i increase the amount? Kinda scared of over feeding.
  14. Amirul

    A Noob Question

    I know its a long shot but is there any way i can find what sort of strain or what sorta weed plant is it?
  15. Amirul

    A Noob Question

    Here are some Pictures, there are 2 plants in 1 pot.