Recent content by alloutindo

  1. alloutindo

    AK47 x LR 2 Cloning questions

    Thanks for the tips i'll check it out.
  2. alloutindo

    AK47 x LR 2 Cloning questions

    Getting some ak x lr 2 seeds and was wondering when to take clones from the plant? Its an autoflowering rudy with a 70 day total cycle from seed to bong give or take a few days for drying.:joint:
  3. alloutindo

    Is she ready?

    Here is a couple close ups of my rhinos and was wondering what you guys thought. I think about another week or so should be good, but who knows maybe someone could help out a fellow grower. Its hard taking pics through a glass.
  4. alloutindo

    Aurora Indica 1st Grow

    I got the mothership flowering right now, and i use the 6 part nutes from Fox Farm. Right now she is on full strength nutes and very healthy. From what I've noticed, this would be a very good strain for sog. the tops get real wide and would just blanket the top of a sog. From what i've heard...
  5. alloutindo

    I like your pantera style. The greatest metal band that ever walked the face of the earth. I'll...

    I like your pantera style. The greatest metal band that ever walked the face of the earth. I'll hafta shoot ya a pic of my back peice dedicated to them.
  6. alloutindo

    Brainstorm Cloning Problems

    Never heard of scraping the lower part, but sounds good I'll hafta try that.
  7. alloutindo

    Whats up skiddy? Droppin by to see if the afghani bullriders treatin you right.

    Whats up skiddy? Droppin by to see if the afghani bullriders treatin you right.
  8. alloutindo

    Brainstorm Cloning Problems

    Goodluck? What kinda advice is that? Let us know whats up with the clones? What was the process you used?
  9. alloutindo

    some one get a bowl ready quick and let's smoke!

    Heavy metal is where its at, god listens to slayer.
  10. alloutindo

    Who's smokin what?

    Damn ya'll got me beat, i guess i'm a rookie bitch. Gonna try the lavender on friday lookin forward to it.
  11. alloutindo

    some one get a bowl ready quick and let's smoke!

    I got ya man, had to post some pics with post. I found a bad ass little hash spoon, that i stole from ol lady. Got some trainwreck with northern lights keefe hash on top bong rippin. :-P
  12. alloutindo

    Who's smokin what?

    Just want to find out what RIU is smoking tonight? Here in the DAC got some trainwreck, with norther lights keefed hash topper. bongsmilie
  13. alloutindo

    anyone else have a great stoner moment

    Bone thugz is ok, but the pic on your profile is some funny stuff. Get to the Choppa, hell yeah. Some of my best times is here on RIU, you cant really talk to people personally but there are so many here to help you get the best out of what you got. I bet if all of us here on RIU met it would be...
  14. alloutindo

    how do you get it that sticky?

    Its the only way to ROLL. I live by it.