Recent content by Alex Ponchik

  1. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

    Jora everything is great. Drinks like a cow. Milk)))))+ In out Жора is an alcoholic, my friend drinks less) 6 Min 200 ml )))
  2. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

    Good evening, we are from Ukraine!!!!!Let me introduce you to my stinky Valera))) HE decided to hang out with me for the winter, they accepted him) The children love him) Valera loves Archidei and ganjubas very much)
  3. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

    Bro you got it in the highlight) I had to choose or drink a lot of medicines or find my own. Bro in the past I worked a lot in medicine plus my thirst for knowledge)
  4. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

    World bro. I really understand your pain. The world is huge to him indifference sick or tired. Brace yourself.....our journey is yet to come. I'm not ready to expose myself to these horrors yet. That nightmare isn't over yet. Thank you for your support, thank you for the hope to clear the way...
  5. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

    There is no other way. That eagle has been laid on a fork more than once. bro promise not to cum in surprise and you will understand what light is. You will understand what the Ukrainian sun is. All I do is one thing, but what does the lamp from Castaman do)))))) Test bro
  6. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

    Доброго вечора ми з України!!!!!Питання війни в Україні, дуже болюча тема для нас. Розуміючи що цього питання - треба зробити грамотну та однозначну відповідь. Про себе я можу сказати лише я внутрішньо переміщена особа, від фронту найближче десь 110 км.Якщо ми з тобою познайомлюсь можливо я...
  7. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

    Evening Dawn! Uv + Long Far Red
  8. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

  9. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

    New day.
  10. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

    50 ml light beer 150 ml water bro. 1 drink at week. Nothing much to scare) Bro this is helpful. She's alive)
  11. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

    Full morning - good morning. UVA +FAR RED +LONG FAR RED min main light. Мало хто знає як гартувалася сталь!
  12. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

    Far red burn
  13. Alex Ponchik

    Hello everyone from Ukraine

    Yes bro )))) close it when my wife and children are at home, when I’m not there, I don’t worry, I put on good glasses - how much of that life is there bro, here it flies and explodes that it’s somehow all the same.