Recent content by 420Michael

  1. 420Michael

    I really need help with Oder Control...

    Well, you do got a point there. I may just say forget it and let the plant smell how she wants to smell. I mean, I will just put the fan where I planned on putting it and just let mother nature take its course. Haha. Because, like you said ONA gel is pretty pricey and so are High End Purifier's...
  2. 420Michael

    I really need help with Oder Control...

    I know there's already a forum about oder control. But, I want to throw the question out there. I'm in the process of building my grow box and I cant afford to spend anymore money. Does anyone have any ideas to keep the smell in without using a Carbon Filter? Or, does it have to be a Carbon Filter?
  3. 420Michael

    New to growing. I need venting tips.

    Well, I'm going to start on my grow box sometime during the week. And, the only question left is, how am I going to vent? I need to keep the smell in the box. But, I can't afford to spend anymore money. Is it really neccessary to use a Carbon Filter? Or, can I makeshift a filter?
  4. 420Michael

    ALL BEGINNERS READ THIS: Essential Information

    I agree with this. I'm new to growing also, but I've read that it is okay to use CFL's through the whole growing process. Yet the yeild won't be as good as using MH/HPS. But, I've seen some pretty good results with CFL's.