Is there somthing wrong with my Plant!!???


New Member
Hey I could use some help. Insted of the leafs growing on both sides it grew both on one side. Is that bad? Is there somthing wrong with my plant? heres some info to help you out.
soil-Store bought good soil
seeds-bag seeds pretty good bag though
Light- outdoor
water- Regular water used miracle grow once
temp-65 to 80


Well-Known Member
Hmm, did you have the seed shell on it for awhile? Like while it was sprouting? I wouldn't worry, it will probably straighten out. It looks like it's just squished together from the pic, but I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Some plants are just born mongoloid. I bet it will be fine since it has the proper leaf area. It may grow-up a little funky lopsided, but it should be more or less normal.


Well-Known Member
More than likely your plant will correct itself, as long as it is healthy your good. You should not fertilize yet, wait a week or two. Also getting a pH tester kit will save you a lot of headaches in the long run!