

Active Member
Alright, well, I've read through all the stickies, as well as a few other pages, and I'm not quite sure what the problem is here - it's probably calcium/iron/magnesium/zinc, but I'm not sure, and I don't want to start acting on a guess. Recently I noticed root issues, and a couple plants wilting from the bottom up - they were removed on the assumption that it was mould, the reservoir/roots washed with a solution of h2o2 and tap water, flushed it all out a few times, filled up with R/O, Cal/Mag to 150, Maxibloom to 1300, and then Pro-TeKt to PH, along with a gallon of beneficials in tea form. Since then things have improved.

The leaf spotting was not apparent then, and I only had time to look at it yesterday. Iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium all mention chlorosis between veins which remain green. Mag seems the least likely, as it should have effected lower leaves first, and while I've lost a couple of the lowest fan leaves, they are decidedly healthy on the plants which show this bleaching on top. Calcium mentioned internal issues and root mass die back, both of which happened recently, however it was assumed that this was due to mould or another pathogen...

So, I have a general idea about what's wrong, but it's only that... any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Current PPM: 1100
Current PH: 6.1

Adding back 200 PPM would bring the PH down to about 5.8-9, however I don't want to make any moves without getting a few responses, thanks! (Root shot from a plant removed previously, as mentioned above, just in case there was no pathogen, and simply a nutrient imbalance.)



Active Member
2) Growing indoor or outdoors
3) Watering schedule
4) Growing Medium
5) What stage of growth
Alright, seriously, the only thing I did not mention was that I was using Sure to Grow, and that I'm growing indoors - both clear from the pictures. How is it that posts consisting of AAAAHHH WTF WATS WRONG HALP with no pictures, and really no information whatsoever, are the posts which get replies? Please, if my pictures and description are not enough, ask for more and I'll obviously provide. Just because I'm not an idiot doesn't mean I don't have things to learn, at least in helping me you would be investing in someone with an interest, and a good base from which to understand... :(


But seriously though, I've noticed this a number of times, posts with information get lost, posts with nothing get replies... I admit, posts with nothing are much more common, and I'm not dealing with nitrogen burn or anything super obvious, but shit. :/


Active Member
I don't recognize a deficiency clearly but they look kinda like my leaves that I spayed chemicals onthat got burned by the lights or chemicals or both.


Weed Modifier
Alright, well, I've read through all the stickies, as well as a few other pages, and I'm not quite sure what the problem is here - it's probably calcium/iron/magnesium/zinc, but I'm not sure, and I don't want to start acting on a guess. Recently I noticed root issues, and a couple plants wilting from the bottom up - they were removed on the assumption that it was mould, the reservoir/roots washed with a solution of h2o2 and tap water, flushed it all out a few times, filled up with R/O, Cal/Mag to 150, Maxibloom to 1300, and then Pro-TeKt to PH, along with a gallon of beneficials in tea form. Since then things have improved.

The leaf spotting was not apparent then, and I only had time to look at it yesterday. Iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium all mention chlorosis between veins which remain green. Mag seems the least likely, as it should have effected lower leaves first, and while I've lost a couple of the lowest fan leaves, they are decidedly healthy on the plants which show this bleaching on top. Calcium mentioned internal issues and root mass die back, both of which happened recently, however it was assumed that this was due to mould or another pathogen...

So, I have a general idea about what's wrong, but it's only that... any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Current PPM: 1100
Current PH: 6.1

Adding back 200 PPM would bring the PH down to about 5.8-9, however I don't want to make any moves without getting a few responses, thanks! (Root shot from a plant removed previously, as mentioned above, just in case there was no pathogen, and simply a nutrient imbalance.)
hydro should be @ 5.8 you are locking out calcium by keeping it at 6.1 and a few other nutes too here's a chart for yah :mrgreen:

View attachment 1985888


Active Member
I don't recognize a deficiency clearly but they look kinda like my leaves that I spayed chemicals onthat got burned by the lights or chemicals or both.
I haven't sprayed the tops since long before this, as I'm in flower, and when I did I would raise my lights as high as they would go till things dried - Inda-Gro lights don't run very hot, about the same as an HPS in a cool tube (reading the surface of the tube), maybe less. Probably a lot less actually... >.>

hydro should be @ 5.8 you are locking out calcium by keeping it at 6.1 and a few other nutes too here's a chart for yah :mrgreen:

View attachment 1985888
I saw this chart before, which is why I mentioned adding nutes to bring the PH down a bit, however I've also seen many charts which say calcium becomes MORE available as PH rises, and were noted as hydro specific... I'm going to add back the nutrients and see where that takes my PH, I'll update in a little bit, but thanks! :)


Active Member
I PHed everything rather than adding nutrients, I figured 1100 was fine, and if it's a PH related def, then the goods are already on hand, simply going uneaten. No change yet, but I don't really expect miracles over night. I'm going back in now to check the PH, and adjust it if needed. I probably won't post anything else tonight, have to do everything from my phone so... No pics either.


Active Member
The existing spots themselves look a little worse, though they have not spread, and the healthy parts of the effected leaves have gotten some shine back, color is looking better all around as well. So, I'm taking it slow... I'm not really worried about the existing damage, it's not going to heal, but everything else is looking much healthier. I'm gonna top off with nutrients tonight, and try to grab some pictures, now that my keyboard is working again.~

Incidentally, I think I've run into this problem before, though it never got this far, one of the things which corrected itself as calcium became more available was the rigidity of the plants. I've always had to tie everything up to stop it all from collapsing, I thought bud weight or maybe I needed more air flow? I'm not really sure, the water I used before this run was 500PPM from the tap, but they were leaning again this time, and now standing free and strong.

If anyone is interested, I'm going to keep posting in my journal (, but as this feels resolved, I'll let the thread go.