various problems with clones


Hi Guys,
i am new here and i could really do with your help,
i started with 2 plants of KS from clones which both grew well vegging for over 40days and now over 4wks into flower:twisted:. During the vegging stage i took several clones out of both not all made it, 3 plants took succesful although i kept em with natural light in the house and compensating at night (after my hps goes off in the tent) with cfls.
The remainder of the clones still vegging are showing problems! My best plant which i intented to keep as mother is shrinking and looks like fern-type on all he leafs, i would like to know if i can rectify it and let it be the mother plant or if in your opinion better ends up in the compost bin! I have another lovely clone... but looking at her today i noticed that she started flowering! Very likely due to me having kept her on the window sill this time of year (and then they say bad about the british weather).. so in realtion to this plant, should i move it in the flowering room? or if i put it back under cfls how long will it take for her to go back in the vegging stage? bottom line is.. will it be quicker to make it fully flower? rather than wait month to revert, and months more for the vegging?
Finally the last 2 clones look crappy with yellowing leafes (slightly improving) and some kind of burn on some of the leafs.
I know this sounds a crappy grow, but i am really happy with the flowering plants! i will post pictures of thoseas well if anybody is interested.
Grow style, as natural aspossible, garden soil mixed with cuttings/leafs and dead roots, topped up with miracle grow organic, in the slow growth and crappy clones rooted.jpgfirst 2 weeks of vegging i also give a very diluted foliar spray of 24-8-16 miracle grow non organic.
In the flowering stage i add fishbone, orgshrinking baby.jpganic miracle grow and wood ashes taken from hard woods residuals (the things we do for love).
All this really do not apply the young plants withlittle baby very slow growth and pale and generally crappy.jpg the excpetion of a light amount of organic fert and fishbone.
Please share your opinions! and advise if i should just no bother or if this is rflowering.jpgectfiable and will not cause loss of potency should they make it in flower / harvest.
Apologies for the many questions togheter!
Peace brothers:peace:little baby looking pale and marks on leafs.jpg


Your asking for trouble using homemade dirt and Miracle Gro ~
Thanks for the advice! i suspect you might be right, today one of the crappy clones fell and snapped in half, while empting the small pot... i spotted a huge worm!! dancingaround the dirt!! Possible the cause of the stunt growth and other sympthoms.
However, the same soil has been used for the 2 big plants nearly 5 weeks flowering and i really must put pics! personally i think they doing great! also 5 plants out of the clones really healthy, the soil was kind of prepared, not just dumped from the garden into pots.
I do agree do, in fairness i should have bought at least the soil, but due to budjet and mainly due to coppers taking my car.. i dont fancy a walk back from the shop with 100ltr bag of soil!!
I will try to take pics of my girls lateron.



Peace all :peace::joint::peace:
pics of my ks babies nearly 5 weeks in flower some pics taken with the lighs on, best ones took in the dark straight after the lights went off :mrgreen:

Anyway share your opinion on how these 2 plants are doing, they are very close to 5 weeks (2 more days) grown with garden soil, organic fert added and vegged for over 45 days, started with cfl 2-3 then 3 more added , for about 30 days, went on holidays left them to veg by the french doors for 12 days)) started flower with cfl's for the first 4 weeks about 200w actual, 3 days ago` upgradedto hps light!
So i am not that disappointed with my soil and organic grow.... despite some problems with the clones in the main all good :-)
peace brotherss :peace:

