SOS - Plant in need of help... wilty new leaves.. anyone? Please advise...


hello friends,

i'm a newbie who's killed one plant via over watering... so help me not to kill this one too!!

about 3.5 (just over) weeks in... was a nice clone from a local dispensary... supposed to be blue lights (blue berry X northern lights)

this plant is growing in rock wool under plain old fluorescents (don't laugh) and not where the photo was taken, i moved it from the closet to get better angles. it was growing well for 2 weeks. then i noticed about a week ago that there was some burn on the edges of the leaves, assumed that's nute burn from what i've read on here, and stopped the nutes and switched to water only. plant was fine for about 3 days...then the wilting started.

the plant still looks good, but 3 days ago one leaf went limp and now the new leaves are coming in wilted like and feel a bit hard compared to the pretty large leaves you see. so now there's two wilting ones, one is a new leaf, came in limp and stayed that way. and looks to me like the current new growth is going to do the same.

it's not a water problem, i checked and the rock wool is damp, so i don't want to drown it like the last one... i moved the light a bit in case it's too close to the lamp now. that was yesterday and it still looks wilty. also, i keep the pot covered so no light gets in on the roots... but i took that off for the photos and also to see how the roots look. far as i can tell, they look nice a white.

any thoughts? i'm not sure what to do... so unless someone has a suggestion, i guess i'll just keep an eye on her and hope for the best.

hopefully these pictures work, but if not... i'm including links beneath