brown tip seedlings (Big Macro Photos) :(


Well-Known Member
So I dont know if this is an overwatering thing or what.

Soil: MG Organic topsoil
Seed: Lowryder #2

I've got two like this:

^^ These two sprouted first

And another like this(this one seems fine):

About 8 days into growing. Please Help! :peace:


im doin the same grow atm... around the same stage aswell. 1 of mine had brown tips and a couple of holes but the newer leaves are lookin fine.


Active Member
Does anyone know what this is, the first pic?

its on my week old seedlings, and is spreading to all leaves, and slowly making it from the tip down


Well-Known Member
Nute burn? Do you mean from the soil? I hope you are not giving seedlings nutes already. Just let em grow, no ffing nutes in the seedling stage, all they need is light and don't let the soil get too dry. Simple really. Make sure you have a few pinholes for drainage in your plastic solo cups, airflow to roots is important as well. Just leave the nutes out of the story until they are at least a month old.