Please help lots pics


Active Member
Thank you for reading and any help would be great as i only got 1 responce on my last post. I woke up and this is what i saw! the plants are about 6 weeks old. as you can see im using a homemade top feed hydro set up with res. water at about 1 inch under the baskets I always adjust ph to 5.5-5.6 before i feed, and ppm stays ant 675-700 I use the flora nutes from general hydroponics and superthrive THAT IS IT! lights are on 6am to midnight and feed times are 6:30-2min noon-2min 10pm-2.5 min. Plaese any help would be awsome! and is it normal to hafta adjust my ph at everyfeeding? by the time i fo to feed is has shot back up to 7.0(original ph of water) no its not city water. oh and my lights are as follows 1-300 watt cfl 2-100w cfl 2-60w cfls



Active Member
I had the same problem and discovered it was the humidity was too low at 30 got it back up to 45-50 and they are fine.


Well-Known Member
700ppm is just way to high IMO. and 6 weeks? they should be ALOT bigger. when was the last time u flushed ur res? and temps of res?

all those plants are getting 600 PPM? even those small teeny ones? r u crazy? no offense.


Active Member
This is my first grow I replace my res. water every 10 days i heve a heater with a t-stat for my water keeping it at 71 and you are right bandit i thined my nute solution out to closer to 450 they are so small cuz i had Alot of setbacks starting these babys my ph meter was off by 1.5 higher than should so I had a lot on nute lockout but now that its right they seem to flurish this past week then this.they are of purple strain (what the guy said that sold me the bag my seeds came outa)(3 seeds in 1 1/2 oz.) but it tasted more like a blue berry to me. my wet buld is reading 39 humidity should i bump it up a hair?


Well-Known Member
that sucks about the ph meter-had my share of issues too. looks like gonna be a nice strain and the plants look healthy just not happy. they should perk up with the lower ppms. those baby one are gonna have issues at those ppms though. if u r a cloner, tna it should work itself out in next couple of grows. no way to build a sep res for those smaller guys?
upping the humidity should help too. look slike you may be able to go a little longer between flushings while they ar ein veg-but ur call.


Active Member
that sucks about the ph meter-had my share of issues too. looks like gonna be a nice strain and the plants look healthy just not happy. they should perk up with the lower ppms. those baby one are gonna have issues at those ppms though. if u r a cloner, tna it should work itself out in next couple of grows. no way to build a sep res for those smaller guys?
upping the humidity should help too. look slike you may be able to go a little longer between flushings while they ar ein veg-but ur call.
I plan on Being a cloner this is my first grow so ill be happy with any good progress i make those babys in the back are hand feed a mild nute 125 so not to nute burn here are some pics they are again bag seed from "G13" I think mostly indinca but cant find much more about the stain so whos the lady in your aviator wish i could have one that nice



Well-Known Member
6 weeks they should be a lot bigger-no offense. r u using drip method? they look very overwater but at 4 feeding times for 2 mins, how can that be. and those are all rocks right? no rockwool? odd. the white stuff on your rocks is salt build up. gh nutes known for that.i see quite a bit of it. but you change your res every 10 days. completely?
and about the ph, you say every that every res change or everytime the dripper comes on? what do u start at and what does it drift too?
something off here bro.


Active Member
Sorry it took so long to reply but i didnt wanna just wine about shit i wanted to show progress! so I dropped my ppm to 300 keept the same feed time and in a few days walla here we go. all but one are showing great impovment but the one is still putting on new growth up and off the stem. so i think im just ganna clip the leafs and worry about the new growth!??! What do ya think my buddy said the babys were G13 so i pray he was right and i get 1(fingers crossed) lady.



Well-Known Member
good deal. I been thinking about ur problem. I bet if you cut off 25-35% off your watering time they will perk up even more. there's no rockwool, just the pellets right?


Active Member
good deal. I been thinking about ur problem. I bet if you cut off 25-35% off your watering time they will perk up even more. there's no rockwool, just the pellets right?
no i have rockwool and im fixing to cut down to twice a day id be easier to recover from not enough rather than to much besides my roots are starting to come outa the bottom of the baskets on a few so they ill get plenty too drink but i still have a ph prob i get water fron a company my work uses for the office water and the ph is about 7.7-7.9 so when i bring it down to 5.6-5.9 it always creeps back up to 7.7 within 24 hours is this normal cuz with my roots coming out i dont want them setting in that high of a ph ill lock alot of nutes out how can i keep it down????????
sorry if this all runs together im tokn a bowl of afgani sourbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
puff that cheeba. oh yeah, try not to clip any leaves. plenty of stored nutes in there. I would say those cubes are just simply staying too wet.
as for the ph, no, that drifting is very unusual. I would concentrate on finding the reason instead of trying to keep it in line. I mean, if you were running 1000 ppm and your plants were 6 feet tall and in the middle of flowering, than maybe, just maybe, it would be possible to have such a high ph fluctuation from the plants uptaking the nutes-which are acidic-and resulting in the ph becoming more basic. the only thing I can think of is that there is some sort of buffer in that bottled water-maybe an excessive amount of calcium carbonate-am guessing here. why not try distilled from the grocery store or tap if not too hard. this way you can effectively rule it in or out and go from there. at 7 ph, in hydro, u r gonna def run into problems.
digital or drip ph meter?


Active Member
Its a digi meter. Our water around here is VERY HARD thats why i was buying water purified but last night my pops shot me an idea come out to the county and get well water whjat ya think its staight outa the ground i could run it though revers osmosis to clean is up somemore i jusr cant figure out why its like this you would think outa all the people on R.I.U. more people than you would try to throw my some ideas or atleat just say "Man that sucks" oh well ill just hafta meat you at the cup one year and smoke ya out lol


Active Member
oh and another ? for ya my wife and i are green thumbs whe have a lot of plants we do out in the yard but this spring i was wanting to splice a baby girl onto a rose bush of hers is this wise or do you think a random person walking by the house would ever notice it there I live on a corner house Pretty busy


Well-Known Member
wow, Im smart...u already stated u had problems with the digi meter. I think purified water gets purified via sodium chloride, i.e. salt. Im pretty sure that well water will be as hard as your tap water, or usually well water is very hard and/or contains too much of a mineral, i.e.-manganese, calcium, lime.

as for RIU, I have found that most members who reply are simply looking for an easy, 4 word sentence, to up both thier rep count and post counts. obvioulsy this matters more and is more important than helping those in need with the amount of effort to reply with depth and details if the original poster has provided enough info. check my posts-youll see many are paragraphs. than check someone like BuggBunny or Woomeister and u will see many 1 sentence posts. U make a good point on something that I unfortunately notice, but there are people here who generally want to help.
u obviously want some bangin heads for ur 'medical' condition, so here is what should do:
a-check the rockwool with your fingers pressing firmly into top right after watering and halfway in between waterings. the issue here has got to be root/rootzone, watering, nutrient uptakes, etc. rereading ur post, you said 2 mins 4 times a day. that does not seem like a lot. they look overwatered. but they are not. looks liuke reverse osmotic pressure.I would guess if you check the rockwool that you will find it drying out too quickly. I think the key word in your case is EC, or electrical conductivity, for the dissolved salts in the actual rockwool. There getting to be a bit more and more salt buildup on the coco pebbles-little white rings-I dont see them usually ever.
so, u r feeding minimially, with very high nute concentrations, using GH nutes-which are known to cause excessive salt buildup-this is got to be why your ph is getting slammed-
Like I stated in my previous post, I mean, if you were running 1000 ppm and your plants were 6 feet tall and in the middle of flowering, than maybe, just maybe, it would be possible to have such a high ph fluctuation from the plants uptaking the nutes-which are acidic-and resulting in the ph becoming more basic.
The nutes are concentrating more into the grow medium and staying there, while the water is passing through. And this I believe happens b/c the watering is too minimal. I know in soil this is a very large cause of issues and hydro in your set up is the same.

If you could buy some Clearex that would be ideal, and if not now, than in the future especially when going into flowering.
if you have RO machine than you can RO your hard tap water. for now, you are going to have to make up a concoction of very week nute solution, like 1/16 in 2 gallons, ph the water to 5.5 or so and run about a quart through each and every pot. wait 10 minutes and repeat. drain the res, refill with 5.7 -6.0 ph solution with maybe 1/4 of your Gh nute mix. by Saturday afternoon, they will not look anything like what you have now. most strain would have been totally fucked by now, but your friends want to grow. extend the drip times to 15 minutes at your current schedule.
couple more tips I have found on hydro
-superthrive-try using without
-drip method is fine but you may want to consider moving which ever ones u want to flower or until they show preflowers to their own 3 or 5 gallon pail with a simple DWC setup-bucket, pump, airstone-no timers, no nothing really other than checking ppm's and ph once a day. grow much faster and much healthier and giving at least 20 % more yields. fo sho.
here is a link that makes great toilet material n the basics of plant osmosis and nutes and symptoms, etx. is a long read

hit me back saturday eve and tell me they dont look like gold.


Active Member
Thanks a million, I dont have a R.O. right now but my dad has 1 on every faucet. they are connected strait to the angle stops under the sink he told me to snake the ones out of the guest bath(never used) he is a old hippie so hes grown Lb.s of KILLER bud but has never done hydro so he has helped me with what he can so i dont put post like OVER WATERING?? or TOO much nutes?? most my probs I have been able to side step by going though here and reading ALOT of OLD theads but this ph has had me mind fucked I went ahead and orderd like almost 200 bucks worth of some fox farm I think im gettn everything they sell LOL. Ive used superthive for years mostly on my flowers and ivys slowly working it into my buds though What exacly are rep points? shouldnt you earn those by HELPING not just a one liner "Looks like this or that!" and how do i give you some +++? cuz everything that you have helped me with I have noticed a HUGE diff in only a matter of days! I hope the best for you and your crops and remember puff puff pass but pass to the left cuz the right ways wrong! :joint:


Well-Known Member
u sure is RO and not just a filter? I thought RO's were pretty bulky? anyway, no problem man glad I could help. + rep= click on the justice scale next to the reply # on top left of every post.
order some clearex if you could-that will help to better flush in the future. but do flush b/c there has got to be sig salt build up. I want to see if that fixes your ph issues, b/c if it does, it will go a long way to helping others with the same problem.


Well-Known Member
yes, please pass to me. the cheeba. the mary jane.
oh, and I wouldnt put a gal outside with the roses. just waaayy too many nosey people not minding their business. besides, when u r rollin full steam with them, you really want to jeapordize your op?