first grow, help please?!?..PICS!

dr. gonzo

Active Member
Hi this is my first grow I'm in an insulated setup under my stairs with an inline fan hooked right to the chimney, with a 600w HPS over the plants. I'm growing these from seed this is the link I purchased them from: Toronto420 Seed Bank - Top Quality Seeds At Affordable Prices- They are the White Widdow x Buddha, about halfway down the page.
I germinated these in rockwool and they were doing great up until now, I fear it may be a fertilizer problem. I am using BotaniCare Pure Blend Pro Grow premium organic plant food: 3-1.5-4. I introduced it to them with the 7ml/4L of water and recently bumped it to 15ml/4L of water as recommended for mid-size vegetative plants. I have included pics and hopefully someone can help me out, much appreciation in advance.bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
It looks like you are doing a folier feed, am i correct? And the soil looks dry that would cause them to droop. If you are infact watering through folier spraying then you need to begin watering your babies through the soil instead. In short they are underwatered and they need their soil to be damp-wet. Try that and then post some new pics so we can see the improvement. Good luck

dr. gonzo

Active Member
Thank you for the quick reply, yah no I have been watering them every 2-3 days I just started spraying the foilage with unfertilized water as I thought this may help but it doesn't seem to have. They are scheduled for another watering today so I think I will water them with no fertilizer today and see if they bounce back. I am not testing my waters ph levels as I was told at my local hydroponics store that my tap water would be fairly close and the soil would also adujust it. Should I be purchasing something to pay closer attention to my ph levels, could that be the root of the problem?


Well-Known Member
With my limited expierence I can gaurentee its over or under watering. The problem is they both have the same characteristics as we all know. When I started I used to water on a schedule every so many days no matter what the plants condition I would water. I quickly realized its easier for me to just water the plants as they need it. After a few weeks of veg on a plant I water it good once then no matter what I wait untill the plant shows it needs water. I check on my plants every 12 hours normally and when they need water the lower leaves will start to get droopy first. That is when I try to water. If I wait longer it will work its way up the whole plant and they get droopy and look bad. But after watering the next time I go down there they are perky as can be for another 3 to 5 days. Its hard to water on a set schedule as the plants get larger and the roots get bigger and they use the water much much quicker as they get older and the pots smaller. Hope this helps decide which problem you have



Well-Known Member
Aside from the drooping they don't appear to have any other issues. I don't check my ph either but everytime I have had plant issues (very few and usually at about the 4th week of flower) I added some dolomite lime to my soil to rebalance the ph and the issues ended up correcting themselves. At this point I recommend water with the recommended amount of nutrients added to it. Do you have any pics with the hps turned off? If not try getting some with lights off and using the flash from the camera. A few minutes of no light will not hurt just turn the light right back on after you snap the pics.


Well-Known Member
i would stop spraying em first if you have a 600 w . then soak the shit out of them till water runs out the bottom( basically flush them almost). then let em sit for at least three days if not longer. and see what happens. also make sure u have good drainage. good luck. i don't have alot of exp, but this is prob what i'd do.


Well-Known Member
ohh yeah i would also leave my water sit out in a bucket for atleast 24hrs . despite what your guy at the store said for good measure do it anyway.

dr. gonzo

Active Member
Thanks yah thats exactly what I ended up doing today so yah I hope they get better. Also I hope to put together a grow journal for these things as well, i'll post the link in this thread for anyone thats interested. Thanks again guys.

dr. gonzo

Active Member
I should also have mentioned that I have them on a 20/4 light-dark schedule, this likely means they have to be watered more often than you may have in mind...?