serious leaf problem..


Active Member
Can anyone help i have a problem soil grow 22 days into flower over past seven-ten days a few plants started brown spotting ,yellowing middle of plant and thought it was mg deficiency and have given three waters including epsom salts two spoons per gal and single part vitalink earth bloom ..(should i see results if it was mg deficient)



Well-Known Member
What kind of nutrients are you giving them right now & what is the ratio.Also do your nutrients have any micro nutes in them at all,another question,when you switched from veg cycle did you also switch over to flowering nutes at the same time ?

It looks to me like you switched from feeding them veg nutes over to flowering nutes to early & when the plants experienced their growth spurt at the start of the bud cycle they exhausted any nitrogen they had stored,being only 22 days into bud the timing is right for this to be the case,plants continue to grow & use large quantitys of nitrogen for several weeks after the cycles are switched.

Give em a shot of nitrogen rich fertilizer for their next 2 feedings,also about 2 hours before the lights are due to come on give them a moderate spraying of a weak solution of nitrogen rich fertilizer,use something along the lines of a 30-10-10 fertilizer & make it like 1/8th strength.

I stay away from liquid ferts for soil & only use Peters brand granular ferts,they can be bought at most hardware stores & home depot & they can be mixed exactly as the directions say to mix,no need to dilute peters for feeding in their waterings,if you cant find any peters Miracle grow makes a pretty good 30-10-10 that should fix you right up but its strong so use it at 1/2 strength..


New Member
i found out that i had been seriously overnuting my plants. By maybe double. I see the nitrogen problem, panhead, could it also be overnuting?


Well-Known Member
i found out that i had been seriously overnuting my plants. By maybe double. I see the nitrogen problem, panhead, could it also be overnuting?
I don't even try to "full strength" nute my plants...Once bitten.....etc....

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
That's not Mg. deficiency... that's either nute burn or PH inbalance. What medium are you growing in and what nutes are you feeding and what is the PH?


New Member
I am growing in a soil composite. I think it is massive nuteburn. I was using tablespoons instead of teaspoons.I feel really stupid. really DUM. I hope they pull thru


Well-Known Member
i found out that i had been seriously overnuting my plants. By maybe double. I see the nitrogen problem, panhead, could it also be overnuting?
Sure it could be,if you were giving them that much they might not be able to uptake any nutes at all now.


Active Member
Plants are in compost with added innes,veg used fert with npk values 10.6,4.4,1.7 bloom used vitalink earth bloom npk 2.2.4 been very careful with feeds always under and more often than stated mixing 50-66% strength as directed by shop boys..All signs point to mg def but remidies havent worked if it is a nitrogen def could i use dried organic blood to top up N ?.Also two varieties in N/lights and Cheese the N/Lights seem to be worse affected and it started with the 3 larger plants 1 being of the cheese variety. Will test Ph later as they are down for the night..bless any how thanks for the advice so far please keep it coming by the way buds dont seem to bad will include soom pics of those later


Well-Known Member
For some strange reason i can no longer enlarge attached thumbnails on rui,i can anywhere else though,very odd.

Anyhow from what i can see my money is on the nitrogen,the level of 10.6 is an extremely low level & i'd think at that level it would be next to impossible to give them enough unless you fed them every watering.

Mine start out on 10 nitro at 1/2 strength, then jump to 20 nitro at full strength, then up to 30 nitro at full strength,i continue with 30 until i see the mini buds starting,then they get switched to flowering nutes.

Im not sure about the fert you speak of but i am 100% sure about Peters products,they are good shit & have all the micro nutes you need.


New Member
I was giving them the fox farm tiger bloom, and instead of using teaspoons, i was using tablespoons. I have correscted it, and they seem to be doing better. I did give them a super strong dose of fish E however. I hope it clears it up.Thanks for your help pan.