L.E.D lighting


Active Member
does anybody know how effective l.e.d growlights are? seen a few on ebay and thought the looked very space efficient. thanks.


New Member
I us eled's and love them. I would never go back. It is the best 1800 dollars i have ever spent. With the money i am saving on energy, by not having a real bulb, i will pay off the lights in a few years!

See how big they got from them?

my beauties at full power. 27 watts of pure red spectrum!!!

This is what i ended up with


Active Member
funny, those look an aweful lot like HIDs in the second picture...and that looks nothing like weed in the first picture. Total BS. LEDs dont work. Search the forum. No one on here has gotten honest decent results with them.


New Member
funny, those look an aweful lot like HIDs in the second picture...and that looks nothing like weed in the first picture. Total BS. LEDs dont work. Search the forum. No one on here has gotten honest decent results with them.
Are you saying i dont use LEd's to grow mongo plants?


Well-Known Member
Is it required for a person to have a certain number of posts be they understand what a joke is???


New Member
My friends dog told me you were pulling down a pound per plant.
At least, before the led's, my plants were like the ones in the top picture. When i added the led's, they blew up tp the size they are in the second picture. I was lucky to pull of an ounce before the litebrites, and after, i have to give weed away i have so much.


Active Member
OMG... an admission of bullshit. I vote you be permanently banned. Sorry man, but that was a whole pile full of shit. You could have cost this newb $300+


New Member
OMG... an admission of bullshit. I vote you be permanently banned. Sorry man, but that was a whole pile full of shit. You could have cost this newb $300+
You and him should get together and ban me. Sorry if youarent smart enough to catch on. Everyone else did. What does that tell you about yourself?


Well-Known Member
OMG... an admission of bullshit. I vote you be permanently banned. Sorry man, but that was a whole pile full of shit. You could have cost this newb $300+
Shame on you Authoritah.

It amazes me how silly people can be. And I think that was 40's point. LED's are crap so he made a funny, obvious joke pointing out this fact. The deeper joke is if you are foolish enough to believe what is so clearly a joke then you are probably foolish enough to buy LEDs.

So, Authoritah, you should just admit you didn't get the joke and apologize to 40 for being melodramatic and attacking him.


New Member
Shame on you Authoritah.

It amazes me how silly people can be. And I think that was 40's point. LED's are crap so he made a funny, obvious joke pointing out this fact. The deeper joke is if you are foolish enough to believe what is so clearly a joke then you are probably foolish enough to buy LEDs.

So, Authoritah, you should just admit you didn't get the joke and apologize to 40 for being melodramatic and attacking him.
So everyone esle got the joke right? I hope i didnt convinve anyone to go buy 1,000,000 dollars worth of led's becasue of my posts.


Well-Known Member
i call bs to. i know someone that has the same set up, he`s from australia. mabee we should show him this and see if it`s his set up. i may be wrong but your barking up the wrong tree. i will contact him. evar heard of smokin moose?


Well-Known Member
if that was a joke i dont think my buddy will find it to humorous. agreed the led`s are to expensive to use. but when you are talking to a noob you just confuse the situation. were here to help not confuse them


Well-Known Member
I say if you where sincere(which i realize you arent) in using LEDS more power to you. It amazes me how people lack the ability to agree to disagree, its like humanitys main focal to rip somebodys head off in attempt to see their individual aspect on things. In my opinion HIDs,CFLs are a proven method that goes decades back and has reeped many harvests. LEDs may be the next best thing, but as of now they are inconclusive and at best in my opinion a fade.